
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月10日 11:45   中国网
They mainly provide chatting, sending gifts on one's behalf, helping show love and other services.  They mainly provide chatting, sending gifts on one's behalf, helping show love and other services。

  Online hourly professionals are becoming a newly emerging job, the Daily Business reported。

  Online chatting for 10 minutes may cost eight yuan; taking one's place to play computer games may cost him one to eight yuan per hour; downloading a movie can cost one to five yuan, etc. All those price tags have become general business conditions。

  According to Leaves, a manager in charge of a Taobao's online store, they mainly provide chatting, sending gifts on one's behalf, helping show love and other services, among which chatting is a best-selling item, with 144 in 30 days。

  The online hourly professionals are mostly students, housewives and wage earners, with some monthly salary in excess of tens of thousands of yuan。







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