爆笑损人盘点:那些和动物撞脸的大人物(组图)David Cameron
Showing strain: With the Coalition coming under increasing pressure in recent months, the Prime Minister is beginning to resemble a grumpy dog 近几个月来欧盟面临的压力越来越大,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦的脸色不好看,就像一只哈巴狗。 Theresa May
Hawkish: Home Secretary Theresa May, who sometimes gets in a flap, closely resembles this startled hawk 英国内务大臣特蕾莎女士总是焦躁不安,就像一只受惊的鹰。 Eric Pickles
Mr Toad: Jowly Communities Secretary Eric Pickles looks not unlike this bullfrog 英国社区大臣匹克尔斯有着宽下巴,就像一只牛蛙。 Vladimir Putin
Going ape: Re-elected Russian president Vladimir Putin is a vote-swinger 再次当选的俄罗斯总统普京绝对是一个选票狂“猴”! Tony Blair
The mane man: With his toothy grin, former prime minister Tony Blair closely resembles this donkey 前英国首相布莱尔露齿微笑的时候,好一张驴脸。 Margaret Beckett
Head in the sand: Margaret Beckett behaved like an ostrich over her expenses 对于她的公款消费,英国工业部长玛格丽特·贝克特总是表现得像一只鸵鸟,把头埋进沙子里。 Ken Clarke
Clarke-a-doodle-doo: With his hair in a spike, Ken Clarke looks similar to this cockerel 保守党议员克拉克有一个鸡冠头,就像一只老公鸡。 网友评论