爆笑盘点和动物撞脸的大人物:伦敦市长与羊驼Peter Mandelson
Forked tongue: Peter Mandelson is prone to hissy fits 英国枢密院议长文德森总是乱发火,就像伸长了舌头的蛇。 John Prescott
Hippo-crite?: John Prescott and a hippopotamus 当过英国代首相的普雷斯科特就像一只河马。 George Osborne
Otterly uncanny: George Osborne loves banks as well 国会议员奥斯本号称影子财政部长,跟水獭一样,都喜欢存点东西。 William Hague
Tortoise and the hairless: Foreign Secretary William Hague sticks his neck out 外交大臣哈格总喜欢像乌龟一样伸长脖子。 Gordon Brown
Looky-lickies: Former PM Gordon Brown resembles a bulldog 总喜欢“舔点东西”的英国前首相布朗就像一只斗牛犬。 Boris Johnson
Goofy: This is how the newly re-elected London mayor Boris Johnson was compared to a alpaca last week 为什么上周再次当选的伦敦市长伯里斯被比作羊驼呢?因为他们的头发看起来一样傻。 网友评论