时间像乳沟挤挤总会有 10招让你拥有更多时间我们都希望有更多的时间。
We all wish we had just a bit more time。我们都希望有更多的时间。 Just think what you could do with an extra hour or two each day: you could finally stick to an exercise routine, or spring-clean the house, or write your novel, or learn the guitar, or get a new qualification。 假如每天多出一个或两个小时的时间,我们来想一想会做什么:你可能养成每天锻炼的习惯,对房子做个大扫除,写写小说,学学弹吉他,又或者是考取一个新的资格证书。 I can’t magically make all your days 25 hours long. But I can help you find more hours in your day for the things that really matter。 我不能用魔法给你变出一天25个小时来。但我可以帮你从你的生活里找出更多的时间来做真正有意义的事情。 Get Out of Bed Earlier
Get Out of Bed Earlier 早点起床 If you normally get up at 7.30am, try getting up at 7am. That half-hour might not sound like much -- but it could be time that you use to meditate, to exercise, to read that book you’ve been meaning to finish, or simply to get your day off to a calm and organized start。 如果你通常是7:30起床的,那么试着在7点起床吧。这半小时看起来是不多--但那段时间足够你用来冥想、锻炼、阅读那本你一直以来就想读的书、或是就为今天开一个好头,有序平和的开始新一天。 The first hour or half-hour of the day is often a great chance to work on something important, before other demands crowd in on you. And if you need your beauty sleep? Just get to bed half an hour earlier。 在其它各种需求都涌向你之前,每天的头一个小时或半小时常常是着手重要事情的最佳机会。如果你想睡一个美容觉?那就早半个小时上床睡觉。 Use Your Commute Productively
Use Your Commute Productively 高效地利用好你上下班路上的时间 How much time do you spend commuting every week? Unless you work from home, you’ve probably got at least a couple of hours each week when you’re traveling between your home and your workplace。 每周你花了多少时间在来回上下班的路上?当你离家工作,你每周都要至少花上好几个小时在来回你家和工作地点之间的路上。 Use your commuting time for something useful. If you drive, you could listen to audio books. If you take the bus or train, you could read a book rather than grabbing a free newspaper. And if your workplace is quite close by, you could try walking or cycling to work -- this builds exercise into the natural rhythm of your day。 利用你上下班路上的时间来做点有意义的事情。如果你开车,你可以听有声读物。如果你坐公交或地铁,你可以读书而不是随手抓过来一份免费的报纸。如果你的工作地点离家很近,你可以试着步行或骑车去上班--这可以把锻炼自然纳入你一天的安排中去。 Tackle the Important Tasks First
Tackle the Important Tasks First 要事为先 Once you get to work, take a few minutes to prioritize your tasks. Get the important ones done first (not the easy ones, or even the urgent ones). You can afford to spend at least an hour working on big, important tasks rather than on all those little urgent ones。 一旦你着手工作了,花几分钟把你要做的事做个优先排序。先完成重要的事情(而不是简单的事情,更不是紧急的事情)。你至少要花一个小时在重大的事情上,而不是把时间都花在这些紧急的琐事上。 If you work like this, you’ll usually save time: the urgent tasks will still get done, and you won’t spend hours procrastinating over the important ones。 如果你按照这样的方式工作,你通常能省下时间:既能完成紧急的事情,而你又不会延误重要的事情。 网友评论