The FBI is seeking qualified job candidates who can speak foreign languages during a job fair later this week at Houston Community College. The job fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday at the college’s conference center at 3100 Main, according to the FBI。 The languages currently most needed by the FBI are Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Dari, Hebrew, Farsi, Korean, Pashto, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, and Urdu。 Qualified candidates must have strong oral and written English skills as well as proficiency in a foreign langauge needed by the FBI. They also must be comfortable using basic computer applications, be a U.S. citizen and have lived in the United States for three of the past five years。 The FBI has nearly 1,500 linguists worldwide. More than 95 percent of them are native speakers of their language。 “FBI linguists play an extremely important role in keeping America safe,” Larry Wallace, FBI Houston Foreign Language Program Manager, stated in a news release announcing the job fair. “It’s a job opportunity that promises to be both challenging and rewarding。” FBI linguists work a variety of interpretation and translation assignments. They also offer cultural awareness to FBI agents, intelligence analysts and other FBI employees。 FBI linguists begin as contract workers but may later be hired full-time. Contract linguists can work part-time and earn between $21 and $41 per hour, depending upon their foreign language and level of proficiency. They would work from their local FBI field offices。 FBI language managers and linguists will be at the job fair to discuss the positions available and to pre-screen potential candidates。 美国联邦调查局(FBI)5月25日在美国休斯敦首次举行外语人才招聘会,会讲中文普通话的应聘者十分“抢手”。2个小时内近300位不同肤色的申请人填写了表格,准备参加长达5个小时的语言考试。 “休斯敦作为美国第四大城市,是重要的国际金融贸易中心,拥有世界著名的医学中心、航天中心和海洋科学研究中心等,伴随其国际化脚步的迈进,越来越 多国家和地区的优秀人才汇聚到这里。”FBI外语项目发言人、特工维拉弗兰卡告诉记者,由于外语人才紧缺和业务量不断增加,美国联邦调查局第一次在 休斯敦地区举办大规模招聘会,专门寻找英文流利且精通一门外语的语言人才,预计报名者将超过500人。 据维拉弗兰卡介绍,FBI目前最需要的是中文普通话、阿拉伯语、达利语、希伯来语、波斯语、韩语、普什图语、索马里语、西班牙语等。合格的候选人在英语和一门外语的听说读写能力方面必须具有专业级水平;能够熟练使用计算机;必须是美国公民且过去5年内至少有3年生活在美国。 顺利通过笔试和面试的应聘者,还将接受严格的背景审查,最终入围者开始为合同制,以后可能会被聘全职。合同工可以在本地区的FBI办事处兼职,依据其外语熟练程度每小时能赚取21-41美元。 目前,FBI在全球有近1500名外语工作者,其中95%以上母语为非英语。“联邦调查局的语言专家在保持美国安全方面发挥着极其重要的作用。”FBI休斯敦外语项目经理拉里·华莱士说,“这是一个既具有挑战又能获得回报的就业机会。” 网友评论