
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月30日 10:17   沪江英语
Waiting others to take actionWaiting others to take action

  5. Waiting others to take action


  Sometimes the only way to get something done is to do it yourself. If you are waiting others to take action on your behalf, you will most probably get disappointed because  nothing gets done。


  Take initiative, put your ideas into action and enjoy the fruits of your labor。


Failing to admit mistakes and learning from themFailing to admit mistakes and learning from them

  6. Failing to admit mistakes and learning from them


  Everybody makes mistakes. However, some people learn from their mistakes, while other people complain and never see any positive sides in those situations。


  Use mistakes as a feedback and learning mechanism to improve your action further。


Fixing the symptom instead of the root causeFixing the symptom instead of the root cause

  7. Fixing the symptom instead of the root cause


  When you have a flat tire on your bicycle, you have two options to handle the situation. You can either pump air to the tire so that you can ride your bike for a while – until the tire is flat again. On the other hand, you can change the tire to an intact one once – and stop wasting time on pumping air to a flat one on a recurring basis。

  自行车胎漏气了,你有两个选择。你可以给轮胎打气,再骑一段时间,直到车胎再次瘪掉。或者你可以换一个好胎,不用浪费时间 一次次打气。

  Strive for fixing the root cause instead of just fixing the symptom. It may take more time, but fixing the symptoms will most likely to take even more time。


  Conclusion 结论

  There are lots of habits on our daily lives that could be improved or replaced with a better one。


  If there is a one single area to focus on this list, it is definitely the item #7. When you make your body feel good on, it is much easier to change other parts of your life too。


  Just take one unproductive habit, crush it and then move on to the next one。


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