
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月07日 16:58   中国网


A bear ate the corpse of a convicted killer in a wooded area of Canada. A bear ate the corpse of a convicted killer in a wooded area of Canada.

 A bear ate the corpse of a convicted killer in a wooded area of Canada, CNN reported。

  The mauled body of Rory Nelson Wagner, 53, was found in a rural area in southern British Columbia on Wednesday evening, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said。

  Police believe Wagner was already dead inside a 1986 Volkswagen Jetta, when the black bear broke into the vehicle, ate several body parts and dragged the remains away. Officials "discovered the body in the surrounding bush, about 120 meters from the vehicle," police said。

  Conservation officials say the bear was caught, but may have to be killed in order to ensure public safety。







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