会让你变开心的7种食物:绿茶等![]() 5. Green Tea 绿茶 Green tea is a very healthy drink and extremely popular among the young generation. If you feel stressed, then it is in your best interest to brew yourself a cup of tea. The green tea leaves contain L-theanine, which is an antioxidant that is known to have a relaxing effect on your senses. Also, green tea will leave you with a fresher breath and help prevent tooth decay. So have a cup of green tea and treat yourself to some great mood and healthy teeth! 绿茶是一种非常有益健康的饮品,极受年青一代的欢迎。如果你感到有压力,那么冲泡一杯绿茶对你来说是最好不过的了。绿茶叶含有茶氨酸,一种据说有放松功效的抗氧化剂。并且绿茶会让你享受更清新的呼吸,有助于防止蛀牙。因此,喝一杯绿茶,让自己拥有美好的心情和健康的牙齿吧! ![]() 6. Coconut 椰子 This may come as a shocker, but coconut when eaten in its raw form will leave you with a better mood. Coconuts contain triglycerides which are special fats that aid in improving moods and in general they promote the health of your brain. However, do remember that coconut milk is actually rather unhealthy. It would be in your happiest interest to stick with raw coconut。 看到这里你可能会感到惊奇,但是生吃椰子会让你的心情变得更好。椰子含有三酸甘油酯,这种特殊的油脂可以改善情绪,通常还能促进大脑健康。然而,一定要记住:椰奶实际上是相当不健康的。生吃椰子才会让你的心情变得更佳。 ![]() 7. Spinach 菠菜 Popeye swears by spinach and so should you! Spinach like most leafy green vegetables, is amazing for your health and is also a home remedy for different ailments. Spinach is rich in iron, which adds to your happiness quotient. Therefore, indulge in this dark leafy green and get the necessary nutrients and lift your spirits all at the same time。 大力水手爱吃菠菜,你也应当如此!菠菜跟大多数绿叶蔬菜一样,对健康十分有利,也是治疗各种不同小病的丹方。菠菜含有丰富的铁,这会增加你的快乐感。因此,尽情享受这种深绿叶菜吧,从中获取必需的营养,同时又提高你的兴致。 We advise you to stock up on these 7 foods and turn to them every time you feel a little under the weather. They will not only boost your mood but these promise good health as well! 我们建议你去置办这七种食物,在感到情绪稍有低落的时候就求助于它们吧。它们不仅会激发你的兴致,还会保证你的健康! 网友评论