
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月13日 11:47   沪江英语

  For the Heat and its fans, getting back to the NBA Finals is all that really mattered。

  The lockout-shortened season was like that leafed-over prologue to the book you have read a 100 times. The first three rounds of the playoffs were the equivalent of a symphony orchestra tuning its strings. Finally, the gray-haired conductor levels his baton against the well-worn music stand. Tap, tap, tap. At last, the house lights have been dimmed。

  Redemption in the key of “please don’t be flat。”

  After collapsing in the 2011 NBA Finals to the Dallas Mavericks, the Heat is back on the big stage, but this time it faces an even better opponent. Heat versus Thunder: It’s … Atmospheric。

  The Mavericks defeated the Heat in 2011 with experience, poise

  and a big German named Dirk Nowitzki. The Thunder, the Western Conference’s new guard, knocked off those Mavs in the first round。

  The Thunder then dispatched Kobe Bryant and the Lakers with relative ease in the Western Conference semifinals. For an encore, the Thunder took down the seemingly invincible San Antonio Spurs。

  So, now, here’s the paradox: The Thunder is favored to win the NBA Finals, but the burden of expectations is on the Heat. On paper, the Thunder is perhaps the better team with the added benefit of home-court advantage. Still, the Heat remains the NBA’s blockbuster summer movie, the box-office smash that hints at a Shakespearian tragedy。

  LeBron James enters the Finals playing the best basketball of his career. He averaged more than 33 points a game in the Eastern Conference finals and saved the Heat from elimination in Game 6 in Boston with a performance for the ages — 45 points, including 41 in the first three quarters, 15 rebounds and five assists。

  Still, the most important questions remains: Can he do it in the Finals? Can he bury his failures of the 2011 Finals once and for all?







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