有研究表明,第一印象很难改变。如果在刚入职的时候就给人留下了不好的第一印象,那么以后就算再努力也很难改变别人对你的看法了。所以,从一开始就要在新工作中给人留下好印象!掌握八个妙招,你就是第一印象派掌门人! 1.Try to give yourself enough time between leaving your old job and starting your new one to have a few days to yourself. If you only have the weekend to unwind and prepare, try to make that weekend as stress-free and leisurelyas possible so that you are able to unwind from the stress of tying up loose ends at your old job. Starting fresh is the only way to succeed at a new job, so the more refreshed you are the better you'll do。 在结束上一份工作和开始新工作之间给自己多留出一点时间来。如果你只有一个周末的时间来开展你的准备工作的话,那就试着尽量在这个周末让自己放松下来,从上一份工作的压力中解脱出来。毫无负担地重新开始是在新工作中获得成功的唯一途径。你越是轻装上阵,就越能把事情做好。 2.Make sure to bring all the necessary items to fill out paperwork. Check to see what forms of identification you need. Always bring an extra hard copy of your resume; human resources should already have a copy, but it isn't unusual for your superior or office manager to ask for one for their own files as well。 带齐所有必需的文件材料。查看一下你需要携带什么样的身份证明材料。去报到时,记得要多带一些简历的复印件。虽然HR那里会有你的简历,不过,很多时候你的直接主管或部门经理也会问你要一份简历来存档。 3.Arrive early and leave late on the first day. This will afford you some extra time to adjust to your new space before the business day begins. It will also give you insight on how the people in your department work. Do others show up early and leave late? Is the dress code being followed? Is the atmosphere relaxed? Do people start working immediately? 入职第一天早到晚走。这么做会让你在开始工作之前有更多的时间来适应新环境。你也可以观察办公室里的人都是如何工作的:大家是不是都是早到晚走的?公司要求的穿衣法则是不是人人都遵守?办公的氛围是不是轻松愉快?同事们是不是一到办公室就开始工作? 4.Your first couple of days will be less about work and more about getting set up to work. Setting up email accounts and learning new systems will cover the bulk of your first week, which will allow you time to assess office protocol. Notice how the workload is broken down, how people work and the communication style. If you are unsure of a procedure, ask questions now. People will forgive you for not knowing everything in the first few days。 入职最开始的几天最重要的不是开始工作,而是要为开始工作做准备。工作第一周你要建立一个工作用的邮件账户,还要学习各种事务的操作流程,从中你会了解到公司的各种礼仪规范。注意观察每一项工作任务是如何下达分配的,同事之间的工作和交流是什么样的风格。如果你还不清楚工作的流程,马上就要提问。在你刚入职的时候,有问题是正常的,大家都会理解。 5.If you're learning a lot of new procedures or unfamiliar systems, make sure you take notes. You don't want to be the employee who asks how to do monthly billing every time it comes up. If you have a hard time remembering things, store instructional emails in your outlook folders for easy access。 如果你学习了很多你不熟悉的工作流程,那么一定要记笔记。你也不想在每月结算的时候都要请教别人吧。如果你记性不好,那就把那些指导性的邮件存放在你能很方便找到的地方以备随时查看。 6.Meet with your supervisor immediately to discuss their expectations of you. You need to be on the same page from day one, so figure out how they and your team work and how your position fits into this scheme. If necessary, adopt new organization skills and attitudes in order to fit the office dynamic. When you're working in a group setting, it is important to be flexible, especially if you're the new guy。 第一时间和你的直接领导沟通,了解他们对你的工作期望。你必须从一开始就和领导同事步伐一致,所以你要弄清楚整个团队需要你怎么做,你的职位又需要你如何去配合整个工作。如果有必要的话,可以采取新的组织技能和态度来适应新公司的各种变化。如果你是在一个新的团队,尤其当你还是一个新人的时候,记住一定要有弹性,做到能屈能伸。 7.Take the initiative to get to know the people in and around your department. If there are several employees that do your job, ask them to have lunch with you or hit them up while you're grabbing coffee in the morning. The more personable you are with the members of your team, the easier it will be to ask questions and decipher what your responsibilities are. If you get along with your co-workers, you'll be better able to effectively do your job。 主动去熟悉了解各部门和各同事。如果有好几个人跟你做同样的工作,那么午饭的时候跟他们一起去吃,或者早上喝咖啡的时候也叫上他们。你和团队里的人相处得越好,你就越容易向他们请教问题,也能更好地理解你的工作职责。和同事相处融洽,也有利于你更高效地完成工作。 8.Your first couple of weeks on the job will be a whirlwind of new information. Develop a plan for your first month to help you adhere to a strict schedule. The better you manage your time, the better able you'll be to get through the overload. You'll be amazed at how much time is in a day。 入职前几周你肯定需要处理大量的信息。因此安排好你的时间,严格按照计划行事就至关重要了。时间管理做得越好,就越能处理好各种工作。你会发现一天原来有那么多时间可以用。 网友评论