
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月13日 12:04   沪江英语

  No one could accuse them of not trying to make it work。


  After an incredible 115 years together two giant turtles at an Austrian zoo have gone their separate ways – refusing to share a cage any longer。


  The falling out, which has baffled the zoo officials, marks the end of the world’s oldest animal 'marriage'。


  “We get the feeling they can't stand the sight of each other anymore,’ said Zoo boss Helga Happ told The Austrian Times。

  “我们发现这两只乌龟连看都不想看对方一眼。” 动物园园长海尔格-哈普告诉奥地利时报。

  Bibi and Poldi have happily rubbed along at the Austrian zoo in Klagenfurt for 36 years, having moved together from Basel zoo in Switzerland. Both 115 years old, the pair grew up together and eventually became an item。

  乌龟Bibi和Poldi 来自瑞士的巴塞尔动物园,到了位于克拉根福市的奥地利动物园后,他俩已厮守36个年头。他俩同年同岁,一起成长,彼此相爱,现已115岁。

  'But for no reason that anyone can discover they seem to have fallen out, they just can't stand each other,' added Happ。

  “但谁都看得出来,现在他俩已经劳燕分飞、互不对眼了。真不知道咋回事儿。” 哈普说道。


  It seems that it was Bibi, the female, who initiated the break-up.According to the paper, staff at the zoo realized all was not well when Bibi attacked Poldi – biting off a chunk of his shell。

  貌似是“妻子”Bibi主动闹起了分手。 据报道,动物管理员发现情况不妙,是因为Bibi攻击Poldi,咬掉了他一大块甲壳。

  She launched further attacks on her partner until he was moved to a different location。


  The zoo even called in animal experts to try and reunite the couple with counselling but, so far, to no avail。


  Trying to get them in a more loving mood the experts fed the turtles aphrodisiacs and attempted to inject some fun back into the relationship by getting them to play games together. Neither method has worked。


  Happ told the paper that it is ‘very rare’ for animals who are a pair to fall apart after so long. ‘We hope though we can bring round a reconciliation,’ she added。


  Keeping the animals apart is crucial as – weighing in at 100 kilos each – if they wanted they could kill the other。


  Giant turtles have no teeth but instead have a horn rimmed mouth and a powerful jaw which can cause serious damage。




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