盘点拼爹时代的十大“富爸爸”(组图)![]() What's it like to be a child of the .01 percent? 你有没有想过:如果你是那1%的幸运儿——拥有一个超级富爸爸,那会是什么样子? That depends. While it may seem like being born into wealth is a golden ticket to a life of jet-setting and relaxation, many super-rich dads have put their kids to work. Most of Carlos Slim's kids work for their dad, according to the Telegraph and business mogul Li Ka-shing has plans for his oldest son to run his conglomerate, according to the Wall Street Journal。 这可说不好。表面上来看,那些含着金汤匙出生的人一辈子都可以平步青云、高枕无忧。实际上,大多数超级富爸爸都会让子女们去自力更生。根据《每日电讯》的消息,巨富卡洛斯-斯利姆就要求他的子女们为自己打工;而《华尔街日报》也报道说,亚洲首富李嘉诚已决定让大儿子来接管自己的商业帝国。 Mega-wealthy dads come in all shapes and sizes, and all have their own parenting styles--especially when it comes to dealing with money。 超级富爸爸各式各样,其教育方式也各不相同,尤其是在处理金钱的问题上更是如此。 Here's a round-up of 10 super-rich dads with a brief explainer of how they broach the topic of money with their kids: 以下介绍10位超级富爸爸以及他们传授给子女们的金钱观。 ![]() Will Smith 威尔-史密斯 Net Worth: $188 Million 净资产:1亿8800万美元 The three children of Will Smith, one of Hollywood's highest paid actors, have taken after their father through their own successes in the limelight, the Daily Beast reported earlier this year. His son, Jaden, even played the role of Smith's son in the fim The Pursuit of Happyness. Bestselling writer Terry McMillan's commented on Twitter that the Smiths were "pimping" out their children, but later apologized upon backlash from Smith's Twitter fans, according to the Daily Beast。 威尔-史密斯是好莱坞片酬最高的演员之一。《每日野兽》报今年早期报道说,史密斯的三个孩子也已都在聚光灯下获得了不少成绩。他的儿子贾登曾在威尔-史密斯主演的电影《当幸福来敲门》中本色出演。畅销书作家特里-麦克米伦曾在Twitter上批评威尔-史密斯任人唯亲,其后由于遭到史密斯粉丝的攻击而进行了公开的道歉。 ![]() Donald Trump 唐纳德-特朗普 Net Worth: $2.9 Billion 净资产:29亿美元 The American billionaire and television personality said on "Oprah" that he wants his five children to carry on his success and enjoy their lives. Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric, the three kids with his first wife, are employed by their dad at the Trump Organization in New York City, according to Oprah.com。 亿万富翁兼电视名人唐纳德-特朗普曾在奥普拉的节目中公开表示,希望自己的五个子女能继续自己的辉煌,并享受自己的人生。现在,唐纳德和第一任妻子所生的三个子女伊凡娜、小唐纳德和埃里克都在特朗普的纽约公司里工作。 网友评论