George Lucas 乔治-卢卡斯 Net Worth: $3.2 Billion 净资产:32亿美元 After a troubling relationship with his own dad, which he has chronicled in his movies, George Lucas told USA Today that he retired from directing movies for 20 years to raise his three adopted children. The single father, however, will not leave his billions to his kids. Like Buffett and Gates, he has pledged most of it to charity, according to the Wall Street Journal。 乔治-卢卡斯和自己的父亲感情并不好,这一点他也在自己拍摄的电影中有所表现。他告诉《今日美国》说,自己已经从从事了20年的导演生涯中退了下来,来照料自己领养的三个孩子。作为一名单身父亲,卢卡斯表示不会把财产留给子女。《华尔街日报》称,卢卡斯做出了和巴菲特和盖茨一样的选择,那就是承诺把财产捐赠给慈善事业。 查尔斯-施瓦布
Charles Schwab 查尔斯-施瓦布 Net Worth: $3.5 Billion 净资产:35亿美元 The founder of the American brokerage company that bears his name co-authored a book on personal finance with his eldest daughter, Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, according to Daily Finance. His daughter, who has worked as a financial planner for her dad's company, told Daily Finance that Schwab also made a good investment in her and her siblings, crediting her personal finance guru dad with her own success and happiness。 嘉信理财的创始人查尔斯-施瓦布和自己的大女儿卡丽共同撰写了一本个人理财的书籍。卡丽是她父亲公司的理财规划师。她告诉《每日财经》说,父亲对他们子女都进行了很好的投资,并用自己亲身经历的成功和快乐来证明父亲是一位个人理财的大师。 罗曼-阿布拉莫维奇
Roman Abramovich 罗曼-阿布拉莫维奇 Net Worth: $12.1 Billion 净资产:121亿美元 The children of the Russian business tycoon and owner of the Chelsea Football Club get to live the luxury life. His daughter Anna Abramovich reportedly used to travel to school in a helicopter and chauffeur-driven vehicle, but now as a grown-up, she's opted to live in a more modest place compared to her father's many luxury pads -- a $4 million cottage near her mother and sister, according to the Daily Mail。 罗曼-阿布拉莫维奇是俄罗斯商业大亨,也是切尔西足球俱乐部的老板。他的子女们过着奢华无比的生活。曾有报道说,他的女儿安娜坐直升机和私人座驾去上学。比起父亲的奢华生活,现在已经成人的安娜选择了一种更为低调的生活方式,在和母亲、妹妹相距不远的一栋价值400万美元的别墅里居住。 李嘉诚
Li Ka-shing 李嘉诚 Net Worth: $25.5 Billion 净资产:255亿美元 The two sons of the richest man in Asia not only got the chance to learn a thing or two about making money from their father, famous in all of Asia for his business acumen, but the Ka-shing children have also received a head start in business, courtesy of their dad's riches, according to the Wall Street Journal. The Hong Kong tycoon and chairman of Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong plans to leave his eldest son at the helm of the family's conglomerate; Ka-shing said he will support his younger son with business ventures by giving him cash, WSJ reported last month。 亚洲首富李嘉诚的两个儿子不仅可以从父亲身上学到生财之道,而且还能在经商伊始获得父亲的大力资助。根据《华尔街日报》报道,拥有和记黄埔和长江实业的李嘉诚将让大儿子来继承家业;而小儿子的公司则会获得父亲在经济上的支持。 网友评论