
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月18日 18:27   沪江英语

  In many ways Enzo is just like any other house cat: he likes attention, loves sleeping and can't wait to get his claws into the furniture。


  But this adorable one-year-old is no common moggy。


  In fact, he's a 27-stone pet Bengal tiger who lives with Michael Jamison and his girlfriend Jackie Smit in Brakpan, South Africa。

  170公斤的孟加拉虎,与 Michael Jamison 和他的女朋友 Jackie Smit一起生活在南非的布拉克潘市。

 这对夫妇与这只“条纹女神” 还有十四只狗在同一屋檐下生活。 这对夫妇与这只“条纹女神” 还有十四只狗在同一屋檐下生活。

  The couple share their home with the stripey diva - and 14 dogs。

  这对夫妇与这只“条纹女神” 还有十四只狗在同一屋檐下生活。

  They bought Enzo as a cute nine-week-old cub but a year later he has grown into a hulk after wolfing down 11lb of meat a day。


  Mr Jamison, 37, said: 'Having Enzo is quite amazing. I can't compare it to anything else because every day is different.'


  As these hilarious pictures show Enzo is very much part of the family. He starts his day by running into the kitchen and leaping onto the kitchen table。


  Then Mr Jamison or Miss Smit, 29, will bottle feed him milk. After that it's time for a nap, either on the couple's bed or on the handy chaise longue。

  之后Jamison先生或者29岁的女朋友Smit 就会给它喂牛奶。喝完牛奶,恩佐就在主人的床上或者躺椅上小憩一会儿。


  On waking Enzo might watch a spot of TV with Mr Jamison before the pair have a bit of rough and tumble, which the South African admits can get out of hand。


  'Playing with a tiger can be really dangerous,' he said. 'If he gets you at the wrong place, even if he doesn't bite down, he can just scratch you with his teeth, you will bleed。


  'That's one thing I've made peace with: every time I play with him I'm prepared to bleed a little bit.'


  Then it's time for dinner. Enzo loves cat food, according to Mr Jamison but insists on gobbling it atop the kitchen table, which he really is too big for。



  For all his tomfoolery, the big cat does have a naughty streak and a penchant for eating sofas。


  He's too big for it now, but when the tiger was smaller he would also enjoy a day trip or two in the couple's yellow Lamborghini。


  For now though, Enzo is happy to just be a very large house cat。




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