A 63-year-old woman became "pregnant" with 12 baby squid after eating calamari, the Daily Mail reported。 The victim, from South Korea, was eating a portion of cooked whole squid when she felt a sharp pain in her mouth. When examined, doctors found "baby cephalopods" attached to her mouth。 There are small pods, covered in a cement-like material to make them stick. Inside the pods is an 'ejaculatory apparatus' and sperm -- with the apparatus expelling the sperm quite forcefully。 Doctors later removed the baby cephalopods from her gums, tongue and cheek. It was only then that the pods were formally identified as 'squid spermatophores.' 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位63岁的韩国女子吃鱿鱼后竟孕育出了12只鱿鱼仔。 该女子吃的是一只完整烹饪的鱿鱼。就在她将一部分放入嘴里咀嚼时忽然感到一阵刺痛。医生检查时却发现她口腔内附着着数只鱿鱼仔。 据悉,该女子口腔内刺有很多小的囊状物,外面裹着像水泥一样的东西。囊状物里面有“射精器”和精子,而射精器可以强有力的将精子排出。 后来,医生从该女子的牙龈、舌头、以及脸颊上将鱿鱼仔剥离下来,这才真正确认那些囊状物原来是“鱿鱼精囊”。 网友评论