
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月26日 18:06   沪江英语

  You are entering a different business world than I entered. Mine was just starting to get connected. Yours is hyper-connected. Mine was competitive. Yours is way more competitive. Mine moved quickly, yours moves even more quickly。


  As traditional structures are breaking down, leadership has to evolve as well-from hierarchy to shared responsibility, from command and control to listening and guiding. You've been trained by this great institution not just to be part of these trends, but to lead。


  As you lead in this new world, you will not be able to rely on who you are or the degree you hold. You'll have to rely on what you know. Your strength will not come from your place on some org chart, your strength will come from building trust and earning respect. You're going to need talent, skill, and imagination and vision. But more than anything else, you're going to need the ability to communicate authentically, to speak so that you inspire the people around you and to listen so that you continue to learn each and every day on the job。


  If you watch young children, you'll immediately notice how honest they are. My friend Betsy from my section a few years after business school was pregnant with her second child. And her first child, Sam, was about five and he looked around and said, "Mommy, where is the baby?" She said, "The baby is in my tummy." He said, "Really? Aren't the baby's arms in your arms?" She said, "No, the baby's in my tummy." "Are the baby's legs in your legs?" "No, the whole baby is in my tummy." Then he said, 'Then Mommy, what is growing in your butt?"


  As adults, we are never this honest. And that's not a bad thing. I have borne two children and the last thing I needed were those comments which obviously could be made. But it's not always a good thing either. Because all of us, and especially leaders, need to speak and hear the truth。


  The workplace is an especially difficult place for anyone to tell the truth, because no matter how flat we want our organizations to be, all organizations have some form of hierarchy. And what that means is that one person's performance is assessed by someone else's perception。



  This is not a setup for honesty. Think about how people speak in a typical workforce. Rather than say, "I disagree with our expansion strategy" or better yet, "this seems truly stupid." They say, "I think there are many good reasons why we're entering this new line of business, and I'm certain the management team has done a thorough ROI analysis, but I'm not sure we have fully considered the downstream effects of taking this step forward at this time." As we would say at Facebook, three letters: WTF。


  Truth is better served by using simple language. Last year, Mark decided to learn Chinese and as part of studying, he would spend an hour or so each week with some of our employees who were native Chinese speakers. One day, one of them was trying to tell him something about her manager. She said this long sentence and he said, "simpler please." And then she said it again and he said, "no, I still don't understand, simpler please"…and so on and so on. Finally, in sheer exasperation, she burst out, "my manager is bad." Simple and clear and super important for him to know。


  People rarely speak this clearly in the workforce or in life. And as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say. When I joined Facebook, one of the things I had to do was build the business side of the company and put some systems into place. But I wanted to do it without destroying the culture that made Facebook great. So one of the things I tried to do was encourage people not to do formal PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. I would say things like, "Don't do PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. Why don't you come in with a list of what you want to discuss." But everyone ignored me and they kept doing their presentations meeting after meeting, month after month. So about two years in, I said, "OK, I hate rules but I have a rule: no more PowerPoint in my meetings. And I mean it, no more."


  About a month later I was about to speak to our global sales team on a big stage and someone came up to me and said, "Before you get on that stage, you really should know everyone's pretty upset about the no PowerPoint with clients thing." I said, "What no PowerPoint with clients thing?" They said, " You made rule: no PowerPoint." So I got on the stage and said, "one, I meant no PowerPoint with me. But two, more importantly, next time you hear something that's really stupid, don't adhere to it. Fight it or ignore it, even if it's coming from me or Mark."

  大约一个月之后,我在一个大型场合正要和全球销售团队讲话,一个同事上来对我说,“在你上台之前,你应该知道大家对你制定的‘和客户会面不做PPT’的规定很有意见。”我说,“什么‘ 和客户会面不做PPT’?”他们说:“你制定了一个规定:不做PPT。”之后我上了台就说,“首先,我说的是和我开会不用PPT。其次,更重要的是,下次你们听到一些你们认为很傻的话,不要去遵循它,而要去提意见或者无视它,哪怕你知道那话是我或者马克说的。”

  A good leader recognizes that most people won't feel comfortable challenging authority, so it falls upon authority to encourage them to question. It's easy to say that you're going to encourage feedback but it's hard to do, because unfortunately it doesn't always come in a format we want to hear it。


  When I first started at Google, I had a team of four people and it was really important to me that I interview everyone who was on my team. It felt like being part of my team meant I had to know you. When the team had grown to about 100 people, I realized it was taking longer to schedule my interviews. So one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said "maybe I should stop interviewing", fully expecting them to jump in and say "no, your interviews are a critical part of the process." They applauded. Then they fell over themselves explaining that I was the bottleneck of all time. I was embarrassed. Then I was angry and I spent a few hours just quietly fuming. Why didn't they tell me I was a bottleneck? Why did they let me go on slowing them down? Then I realized that if they hadn't told me, it was my fault. I hadn't convinced them that I wanted that feedback and I would have to change that going forward。


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