别拿实习不当工作:专家支招让实习更有效本文选自《北 外PASS留 学基地》的博客,点击查看博客原文 ![]() 暑假来临,大学生们纷纷开始自己的实习生活。然而面对用人单位实习工资低、工作内容琐碎(trivial)的现实,如何从实习中收获更多?一起来听听职场人士指点迷津吧。 Jiang Zhongjie, 19, a sophomore majoring in marine biology at Xiamen University, looks at recruitment websites almost every day。 19岁的蒋中杰(音译)是厦门大学(微博)海洋生物学专业的大二学生。他几乎每天都会浏览招聘网站。 As summer vacation approaches, he can’t decide which internship position would benefit him。 随着暑假临近,他不知道究竟哪个实习职位能让自己受益匪浅。 “I think it is hard to know what would be a meaningful intern job,” he said。 他说:“我觉得很难分清楚哪份实习工作才是有意义的。” “Most of the time, the positions on offer are low paid, menial or trivial jobs, such as sales promotion,” said Jiang。 “大多数时候,实习生的工资都很低,干一些乏味琐碎的低层次工作,如销售推广。” Last month, during an education forum, Huang Guitian, assistant to the president of Peking University, called for a halt to low-end internships, lambasting them as “monotonous and meaningless, adversely affecting students’ academic performance”。 上个月,北京大学(微博)校长助理黄贵田在一个教育论坛上呼吁抵制低端实习,痛批这些工作“单调乏味且毫无意义,还会对学生学业造成不利影响。” Huang conducted a mini survey, showing “80 percent of students merely do odd jobs on internship”。 黄贵田曾做过一项小调查,调查结果显示“有80%的学生在实习期间只是在做一些杂务。” But, employers, HRs and students may have different attitudes. According to a survey of 116 Beijing and Shanghai-based corporations by Zhaopin.com, a leading human resource services site, nearly 60 percent said they still valued applicants’ hands-on experience most。 而雇主、HR和学生则可能各执一词。国内领先的人力资源服务网站——智联招聘针对116家京沪企业做了一项调查,结果显示有近60%的公司仍然最看重求职者的实践经验。 Zhang Jianhong, HR director in Huawei Technologies Co Ltd echoed this idea and believes that internship even goes beyond acquiring experience。 华为技术有限公司人力资源总监张建红对此表示认同,他认为实习收获的不仅仅是经验。 “An internship actually offers a great chance for students to get an inside glimpse of a company, an industry and a particular occupation,” he said。 他表示:“实际上,实习为学生们近距离了解一家公司,一个行业,甚至是一个职业提供了大好机会。” He says it can help interns discover whether the career they are considering is suitable for them。 他表示,这有助于实习生们弄清他们心中的职业是否真正适合自己 And if students are aware of which industry they would like to enter, Zhang suggests that they select an internship in a relevant field, with the potential to turn into a formal job offer。 张建红还建议道,如果学生知道自己想要从事哪个行业,那他们就可以选择到相关领域去实习,这样也有可能成为正式员工。 Han Cong, 22, a senior majoring in international economics in Shanghai International Studies University, got a job offer from Deloitte Global Services Limited because of his excellent performance as an intern. “You need to read the internship description clearly before you apply. Make sure you are going to get what you want out of it,” he shared his tips。 22岁的韩聪(音译)是一名上海外国语大学(微博)国际经济学专业的大四学生。由于在实习中的出色表现,他得到了德勤全球服务有限公司的工作机会。他分享了自己的秘诀:“在申请之前,你必须要仔细阅读实习说明,确保能得到自己想要的信息。” For students who don’t like running errands like photocopying, fetching lunch and sorting archives, employers urge them to be a bit more patient。 对于那些不喜欢复印文件、取午间工作餐和整理档案这样鸡毛蒜皮的小事的学生而言,用人单位则希望他们再多些耐心。 After all, HRs think there’s still a big difference between being a student at work, and being a well-trained full-time employee. “It is understandable that some employers do not assign interns important and challenging tasks,” said Chen Nian, a marketing director in ifeng.com. “It is almost impossible for interns to learn to accomplish them during the limited internship period。” 毕竟,在HR们眼中,学生和训练有素的全职雇员在工作中还是存在很大差别的。“有的用人单位不将具有挑战性的重要任务分配给实习生这也是可以理解的,”凤凰网市场总监陈年(音译)表示:“想让实习生在有限的实习期内完成这些任务,这几乎是不可能的。” An intern has advantages not available to most full-time employees。 但实习生却具有一些大多数全职员工所不具备的优势。 “You can explore a wide variety of possibilities - you are not necessarily bound to one particular job,” Hao Jian, senior human resource consultant of Zhaopin.com said。 来自智联招聘的高级人力资源顾问郝建(音译)称:“你可以发掘各种各样的可能性,没必要非得绑定在一项具体工作之中。” “You are encouraged to talk with staff from other departments, and ask more questions than a formal employee。 “我们鼓励你去和其他部门的员工交谈,比起正式员工,你可以问更多的问题。” “In this way, you learn from a collective experience。” “这样你就可以从集体经验中得到学习。” Hao says that interns can learn from others at any work as long as they pay attention to the environment. “The more respect you have for an internship opportunity, the more you will get out of it in the long run,” he said。 郝建称,只要留心工作环境,实习生无论何种工作都能够博采众长。“对于一次实习机会,你能够给予越多的尊重,长期下来,你从中学到的东西也就越多。” 网友评论