
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月09日 17:34   沪江英语

  Angry Birds makers Rovio is set to release a new game later this year that will see you play from the perspective of the pigs, rather than the Angry Birds, Pocket-lint has learnt。


  The idea of the new game will see you trying to protect the eggs you've grabbed from the birds, but still feature a catapult and the now famous wooden and stone structures。


  The game, which is expected to be available sometime before Christmas, will feature a number of different pigs and -like the birds in Angry Birds - they will come with different strengths and skill sets。这款游戏将于圣诞节前发行,里面会有不一样力量和能力的绿毛猪,就像现在游戏中不同种类的小鸟一样。

  Although it is not certain, from what we've seen, we would hazard a guess that it looks like the idea will be to protect the eggs against incoming birds by firing pigs at them。


  Details are otherwise few and far between at the moment, and we don't have any images to share although we've been shown pictures of the app in action。


  Rovio has had huge success with the Angry Birds franchise so far with Angry Birds Space, the latest game from the company, selling millions in its opening weekend. Could a Pigs version featuring King Pig and others have the same success?




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