
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月10日 14:24   沪江英语


Singer Susan Boyle has received an honorary doctorate for her contribution to the creative industries. She was honoured by Edinburgh's Queen Margaret University, where she studied for a certificate in caring。

  The degree is for work in society at large, which the university said reflected its commitment to the communities it serves. It was presented to the West Lothian star by founding chancellor Sir Tom Farmer。

  Brought up in Blackburn, Boyle made her name on ITV's Britain's Got Talent in 2009. One YouTube clip of the performance where she sang I Dreamed A Dream, from the musical Les Miserables, has had 21.5 million hits. Her first album in 2009, I Dreamed A Dream, was at the time the fastest-selling debut album ever。

  With the release of two further albums, Boyle has since sold about 18 million albums worldwide and has 120 platinum and gold albums across 38 countries. She has sung on TV in the UK, the US, Australia, Ireland and Japan, and performed for Pope Benedict XVI and the Queen. The singer also performed live to half a billion people on the TV show China's Got Talent。

  Many of us would be happy to pay for the privilege of hearing Susan Boyle sing. So you would think her neighbours might be pleased to enjoy her musical talents for free. They, however, seem less than delighted, claiming her early morning arias are ‘unbearable’。

  Now Teresa Miller, 39, and her friend Paul Keaveney, 44, have submitted an official complaint to the council saying the noise prevents them from hearing their own TV. Mother-of-two Miss Miller, who lives next to Miss Boyle in Blackburn, West Lothian, claimed the star regularly belted out covers of Wild Horses and Unchained Melody as well as I Dreamed a Dream – the song that propelled her to fame. She said: ‘We used to hear the odd bit of shouting and sometimes singing before she was famous but since she became successful she’s got worse. It is so loud you can’t hear the telly. It’s unbearable sometimes。


  英国广播公司报道,在草根选秀节目中高歌一曲而闻名全球的苏格兰歌手苏珊大妈接受了英国爱丁堡玛格丽特皇后大学(Queen Margaret University)颁发的荣誉博士学位,奖励她对社会及文艺界所做的贡献。

  许多人都觉得听她唱歌是种享受,但她的邻居却不这么想。邻居米勒受不了苏珊大妈从早到晚都在家中播自己的唱片,还大声跟着一起唱,愤而向警方投诉,还说她最常唱《Unchained Melody》和《I Dreamed a Dream 》。




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