
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月19日 13:51   沪江英语
搞定办公室潜规则 搞定办公室潜规则

  Some jobs come with a company handbook and a strict set of guidelines regarding office hours, dress code, and sick days. But in today's business world, plenty of companies leave those parameters to the employee's discretion so long as the work gets done. Of course, we all seek to meet our employer's expectations and play by the unspoken rules. For the times you're embarking on a new job in which the handbook is less than detailed, we've rounded up some things you can learn about your new office through simple observation。


工作时间 工作时间

  Office Hours


  While most companies have a window of time when the office is officially open, the time that employees walk through the door in the morning and the time that they leave at the end of the day might be less defined. When in doubt, take cues from your manager and mirror her workday. If she packs up every day at 5 p.m., then you should feel comfortable doing the same . . . so long as your work is finished. Not only will you get into a rhythm on the schedule that is best for your team, but you'll also get brownie points for being there to support your manager。


穿衣规定 穿衣规定

  Dress Code


  You should already have a sense of the company's dress code from your interview, but it's never a bad habit to dress conservatively until you see for yourself how your manager and coworkers handle things like client meetings or casual Fridays。



  Lunch Hour


  Observing your team and the people around you can also give you clues about what to do during your lunch hour. Do employees actually take an hour to eat, run errands, and go to the gym? Or do they tend to bring lunch back to their desks and work through the afternoon?


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