上周,美国参议院多数党领袖哈里•里德建议烧掉即将远征伦敦奥运会的美国奥运代表团队服(uniform),只因其是“中国制造”。这一言论在国际上引发广泛争议。 As a controversy about the "Made in China" uniforms for members of the US Olympic team continued to erupt, one US track and field Olympian expressed his thanks to China。 随着美国奥运代表团队服“中国制造”的风波持续发酵,近日美国一位奥运田径选手则向中国表达了谢意。 In a tweet, Nick Symmonds, who will compete in the 800-meter run at the London Olympic Games, wrote: "Our Ralph Lauren outfits for the Olympic opening ceremonies were made in China. So, um, thanks China." 在推特上,美国田径运动员尼克•西蒙兹发表博文称:“拉尔夫•劳伦为我们设计的开幕式队服由中国制造,那么,嗯,要感谢中国。” The uniforms for the opening ceremony are American red, white and blue. The berets, blazers and pants were designed by US label Ralph Lauren and made in China。 这套为奥运会开幕式打造的服装由代表星条旗的红、白、蓝三色组成,贝雷帽、上衣和长裤均出自美国品牌拉尔夫•劳伦,并由中国制造。 When ABC News reported the facts, the story sparked more than 6,500 comments on Yahoo News, where the reaction was mixed。 美国ABC News广播公司报道了这一新闻,随后雅虎新闻网站上该新闻收到了超过6500条评论,各方反应褒贬不一。 However, on Thursday, Republicans and Democrats railed against the US Olympic Committee`s decision to dress the US team in Chinese-manufactured uniforms。 而上周四,美国共和党和民主党反对美国奥委会让美国代表团穿“中国制造”队服的这一决定。 "I am so upset. I think the Olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. I think they should be embarrassed," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference。 美参议院多数党领导人哈里•里德在国会新闻发布会上向记者表示:"我很不安。我认为美国奥委会应该为这一决定感到惭愧和尴尬。” "I think they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them, and start all over again." “我认为他们应该收回所有制服,堆在一起放把火烧掉,然后重新来过。” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters at her weekly news conference that she`s proud of the nation`s Olympic athletes, but "they should be wearing uniforms that are made in America"。 众议院民主党领袖南希•佩洛西在每周例行的新闻发布会上也表示,她为美国的奥运选手们而感到骄傲,不过“他们应该身穿美国制造的队服。” "Unlike most Olympic teams around the world, the US Olympic team is privately funded and we`re grateful for the support of our sponsors," committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky said in a statement。 美国奥委会发言人帕特里克•桑达斯基在一项声明中表示:“与世界上大多数的奥运代表团不同,美国代表团是由私人赞助的。我们非常感激那些支持我们的赞助商。” "We`re proud of our partnership with Ralph Lauren, an iconic American company, and excited to watch America`s finest athletes compete at the upcoming Games in London." “我们也以与美国知名公司拉尔夫•劳伦合作为荣。我们十分期待在接下来的伦敦奥运会上看到美国的顶尖选手再战佳绩。” On Twitter, Sandusky called the outrage over the made-in-China uniforms nonsense。 在推特上,桑达斯基表示,有关美国奥运队服“中国制造”的愤怒都毫无意义。 Ralph Lauren declined to comment on the criticism。 对于这些批评声,拉尔夫•劳伦方面拒绝发表评论。 In fact, if anyone has something to be upset about, it`s China, said the New York-based Brandchannel.com, noting that Nike, a US brand, unveiled uniforms for China`s Olympic team for the London Games in June。 位于纽约的在线杂志网站Brandchannel.com表示,事实上,如果要论哪一方感到不快的话,那也是中国。该网站特别提到,早在六月份,美国耐克公司就已发布了此次参加伦敦奥运会的中国代表团队服。 "Made in China" is a phrase US citizens know mainly as an indicator of pervasive offshore manufacturing. But increasingly it`s being attached to products originating in China from US companies and gaining acceptance in the West。 在美国人眼中,提到“中国制造”,大多数情况下意味着制造业的海外外包现象无处不在。而人们也越来越多地用它来表示那些“中国制造”、并得到西方的认可的美国产品。 A recent survey by Li-Ning, a leading Chinese athletic footwear and apparel company, found that a growing number of consumers in the US are willing to buy products of Chinese origin。 作为中国运动鞋和运动服饰的领军企业,李宁公司进行的一项最新调查显示,在美国有越来越多的消费者愿意购买“中国制造”的商品。 Two consumer groups, those aged 18 to 25 and those with annual household incomes of more than $225,000, were most likely to regard Chinese brands favorably。 年龄介于18到25岁之间的群体,以及家庭年收入超过22万美元的人士,这两部分人群尤其偏好中国品牌。 It`s impossible for US citizens to completely stop using Chinese-manufactured goods, given the irreversible trend of globalization and increasing economic interdependency between the two sides, said Dong Manyuan, deputy director of the China Institute of International Studies。 中国国际问题研究所副所长董漫远表示,由于全球化趋势不可逆转,中美经贸互相依存格局日益增强,美国人根本不可能完全抵制中国制造的商品。 Before a presidential election, Republicans and Democrats are accustomed to accusing China of taking US jobs, in order to lobby voters and divert attention from the country`s own problems," he said. "But once elected, almost every president will conduct normal exchanges and practical cooperation with China," he added。 他补充说:“在美国大选前,国民党与共和党习惯于指责中国抢走了美国本土的就业机会,此举旨在拉拢选民,将人们的注意力从美国国内问题上转移开来。而一旦当选,几乎每一位总统都将保持与中方的正常交流与务实合作。” Many US fashion brands have survived by getting rid of high costs created by the labor-intensive textile industry and moving their production lines to Chinese factories with intensive, cheap labor。 许多美国时尚品牌摆脱劳动密集型纺织业所造成的高成本,纷纷将生产线转移到拥有密集、廉价劳动力的中国工厂。这些品牌由此得以存活下来。 网友评论