盘点夏日周末超浪漫九大约会场所(图)![]() Pick a nice, quiet, romantic restaurant and take your date dancing for dinner. Make reservations well ahead of Valentine's Day to secure the location and time, then enjoy dinner and dancing with your favorite person。 餐馆是最经典大众的约会场所,挑选一家美丽安静又浪漫的餐馆吧。当然光吃饭就太普通了,情人节这天最好还能和心爱之人翩翩起舞。注意:去餐馆的话一定要记得提前预定哦,那天的位子可抢手啦~~ Ask your date about a movie he or she wants to see and get tickets. Make a sacrifice on this date and it will be shown to your date. For example, if you are a man, as much as it pains you, choose a chick-flick for her; women, take your man to that action movie he has been dying to see. It will not kill you and your date will appreciate the gesture。 电影院也是情侣们最喜欢去的场所。情人节前问问自己的伴侣想看哪部电影,记得这回要自我牺牲一下,跟着对方的口味走。对于男生,你可以为心爱的她挑选一部言情片;对于女生,你可以陪他看梦寐以求的动作片。一部电影再怎么不合你口味,也不至于让你想自杀,而你的小小牺牲却能给伴侣带去一份感动。 Try a trip to the aquarium. The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful。 ![]() Try a trip to the aquarium. The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful。 除了餐馆和影院,水族馆也是非常好的场所哦。想想那微暗朦胧的灯光所带来的浪漫感觉,想想那五花八门的海洋生物在水中畅游的美丽画面,任谁都会沉醉的吧。 For the more active Valentine's Day date, ice skating or roller skating is a great way to have a youthful time on a date and keep the theme of the whole night young and fun-loving。 情人节也不是必须过得很温婉,你们可以选择过一个更具活力的情人节。比如滑冰就是一个让约会充满朝气的绝好去处,今晚你们的主题就是我年轻、我玩乐!而且滑冰时可以提供很多身体接触的机会吧,相互扶持着慢慢滑,多温馨呀~~ Enjoy a meal and watch nature go by as you glide along a river or lake. Preferably, choose a time when you can watch the sunset after you have your romantic meal. This will be a terrific Valentine's Day date。 大自然总是能轻而易举地撩起人类心中的各种情愫。在情人节这天带着爱人驾一叶扁舟,边看着身边流过的美景,边享用一顿可口的晚餐。最好你能算准时间,吃完饭正好可以并肩欣赏夕阳西下,那这个情人节就太棒了! Another outdoors type of date that is very romantic for V-day is Horseback Riding. Going for a sunset ride and then having a romantic dinner for two is one of the most romantic dates。 除了划船,骑马也是非常浪漫的情人节活动。落霞中拥着爱人骑在马背上缓缓而行,有种要浪迹天涯去私奔的感觉哈哈。之后再享用一顿两人晚餐,真是再浪漫不过了! If you and your date are the outdoorsy type, try going on an overnight camping trip for Valentine's Day. Snuggling in a tent or roasting marshmallows over a cozy campfire could be the perfect date choice for you for this lover's holiday. Even better would be sharing a sleeping bag overnight。 如果你们两人都是户外活动爱好者,觉得划个船、骑个马还不够过硬,那么可以在情人节尝试野营过夜。和爱人依偎在帐篷里或者在暖融融的篝火上烤棉花糖,这可是情人节约会的完美选择。如果能够共享一个睡袋那就更好了XD Many times, creating a romantic dinner at home yourself can be much more romantic to your date than taking them to a restaurant. This type of date has a very personal feel to it. Create a favorite dish of your date, and plan a romantic, sensuous dessert。 哪儿都去不了也没关系,其实家里就很不错啊,自己做一桌情人节晚餐要比去餐馆浪漫多了。在家约会很有一种私密感,别忘了给你的爱人做道他/她最爱吃的菜,还要准备一份足够浪漫诱人的甜点哦~~ 网友评论