
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月20日 16:33   新浪教育

  Pick a nice, quiet, romantic restaurant and take your date dancing for dinner. Make reservations well ahead of Valentine's Day to secure the location and time, then enjoy dinner and dancing with your favorite person。


  Ask your date about a movie he or she wants to see and get tickets. Make a sacrifice on this date and it will be shown to your date. For example, if you are a man, as much as it pains you, choose a chick-flick for her; women, take your man to that action movie he has been dying to see. It will not kill you and your date will appreciate the gesture。


  Try a trip to the aquarium. The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful。


  Try a trip to the aquarium. The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful。  


  For the more active Valentine's Day date, ice skating or roller skating is a great way to have a youthful time on a date and keep the theme of the whole night young and fun-loving。


  Enjoy a meal and watch nature go by as you glide along a river or lake. Preferably, choose a time when you can watch the sunset after you have your romantic meal. This will be a terrific Valentine's Day date。


  Another outdoors type of date that is very romantic for V-day is Horseback Riding. Going for a sunset ride and then having a romantic dinner for two is one of the most romantic dates。


  If you and your date are the outdoorsy type, try going on an overnight camping trip for Valentine's Day. Snuggling in a tent or roasting marshmallows over a cozy campfire could be the perfect date choice for you for this lover's holiday. Even better would be sharing a sleeping bag overnight。


  Many times, creating a romantic dinner at home yourself can be much more romantic to your date than taking them to a restaurant. This type of date has a very personal feel to it. Create a favorite dish of your date, and plan a romantic, sensuous dessert。




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