Although it's good to focus on your own happiness, it's always beneficial to spread the joy around. In fact, studies have shown that people who perform kind acts see a boost in mood. You can start today by doing some nice things for people。 虽然关注自己的快乐没有错,但把快乐传播给身边的人也是件不错的事。事实上有研究表明,做好事的人会比较快乐。美好的一天从做好事开始。 Send a postcard. Send a postcard to a friend or family member who doesn't live in the same city, updating them on your life and telling them that you're thinking of them。 寄明信片。给不在同一城市的朋友或者家人寄张明信片,写上你的最新生活情况,说你想他们。 Give affirmation。 Praise someone about a quality that they have that you really appreciate. Make sure it's true for you or it won't sound genuine! 给予肯定。给予你真正欣赏的人表扬,肯定他们的才能。但前提是你真的这么觉得,不然就显得假惺惺了。 Help someone with their belongings. If you see an elderly person struggling with their belongings or even groceries, offer to help carry them. Perhaps you can help them load the bags into their car, or if you live in the same neighborhood, you can drop them off at their door。 帮人搬东西。要是看到老人搬行李或者杂物,就伸手帮他们一下。你可以帮他们把东西搬到车里,或者要是住得近,可以帮他们搬到家门口。 Aid someone with their job search。 Take some time out of your day to help an unemployed friend or family member. Go through job listings and send her a list of suitable jobs, offer to edit her resume and to prep her for interviews。 帮人找工作。一天里面抽点时间出来,帮助失业的朋友或家人找工作。把招工列表看一遍,给她列出最适合的工作,主动帮她修改简历,帮她准备面试。 Smile at a stranger in the elevator。 Oftentimes, we have too many things on our mind and we forget about the little courtesies. Smile and say "hi" to a stranger in the elevator。 在电梯对陌生人微笑。因为思考的事太多,我们常常忘记细微的礼节。电梯里对陌生人微笑着说句“你好”。 Introduce friends。 If you have a friend who just moved to a new city, introduce her to friends you have in the same area. If you just met someone who just moved to your city, do your best to make her feel included by inviting her to some of your weekend activities。 引见朋友。如果有朋友刚搬到新地方,给她介绍一些这里的朋友。正好有新搬来的朋友的话,请她来参加你们的周末活动,尽力让她觉得融入这里的生活。 Forgive someone。 If someone has wronged you in the past, try your best to forgive them and to just let it go. Doing so is a nice thing to do for yourself and for those closest to you as well. Resenting someone may cause you to vent your frustrations to other people。 原谅。也许以前有人的罪过你,尽量原谅他们,别再想过去的事情。这样对你自己和亲近的人来说也是件好事。怨恨某个人会让你迁怒于他人。 网友评论