赛琳娜庆20岁生日 贾斯汀比伯全程陪伴(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月26日 14:28   沪江英语

  Selena Gomez turned 20 years old on Sunday, July 22, and after she and boyfriend Justin Bieber appeared at the Teen Choice Awards ceremony, he took her to an intimate birthday party he’d planned for her at Il Cielo in Beverly Hills。

  An eyewitness of the evening tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY, “Justin made sure that everyone at Il Cielo treated Selena like a princess last night. He was really adorable about it. You could tell that her birthday dinner party meant a lot to him。”

  It meant so much to him that he planned out the menu and decorations! “There were rose petals

  on the tables, which was Justin’s idea. He is quite the romantic. The party was held in the back room and was very intimate. There were about 30 guests. There was plenty of food to choose from including grilled calamari, baby spinach with sliced pears, goat cheese and candied walnuts, homemade pappardelle with lobster, grilled salmon and grilled rib-eye steak,” our source reveals。

  Our source says that Justin’s gifts didn’t stop at the planning of the meal. “Justin made a speech which brought tears to Selena. It was basically about how wonderful and exceptional

  Selena is and everyone stood up and applauded. It was very sweet,” the eyewitness continues, “There was a beautiful birthday cake for Selena along with a variety of desserts like Tiramisu, sorbet, and apple tarts。”

  “Justin looked like he is just head over heels in love with Selena,” our source says, which was evident by the amount of consideration and care he put into the evening. How sweet!

  美国时间7月22日,娱乐圈一大盛事——青少年选择奖在加州举行,当天正巧是赛琳娜·戈麦斯的20岁生日,这位青春偶像同时也是青少年选择奖上的得奖大户,当天她就与自己的The Scene乐队收获了“最佳乐队奖”。而现场的歌迷和主办方自然也不会忘记在这个特殊场合给小寿星送去惊喜,推上台的精致蛋糕让赛琳娜在得奖之后再次激动不已。




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