
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月27日 11:26   新浪教育



  An Egyptian synchronised swimmer has claimed she was forced tospend ?200 of her own money on new training kit for London 2012after Egypt's Olympic Committee gave its 117-strong team "fake"tracksuits。

  Yomna Khallaf claimed on Twitter that the gear supplied wasobviously not authentic, and athletes have had to pay to replaceit。

  She wrote: "The bags for example have big nike logo in thefront and the zippers are adidas. It's so frustrating that we hadto pay extra 2000 [Egyptian] pounds to have other proper stuff towear so that we can look okay not even good ... We'd rather wearplain white or black shirts than this shitty stuff!"

  Khallaf claimed that, after questioning the standard of thekit, she was told by team officials to accept it or "have nothingat all". An EOC spokesman said the allegation would beinvestigated。

  A Nike spokesman said: "Nike was recently made aware that theEOC chose a vendor for its athletes' training and village wear whois alleged to have supplied counterfeit footwear and apparelbearing the Nike trademarks。

  "Nike is highly concerned that if these allegations are true,the athletes will have received products that do not meet Nike'squality standards. Nike's authorised distributor in Egypt has senttwo official communications to the EOC on this issue and noresponse has been received."


  运动员Yomna Khallaf在推特中说,奥委会提供给运动员们的训练服很明显是假货,运动员不得不自掏腰包买新的。







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