
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月27日 13:52   沪江英语

  For Marilyn Monroe was not the man-eating siren her image suggested。

  Although she married and divorced three times, she was — though few people are aware of the fact — a lesbian by inclination。

  She admitted to sexual encounters with actresses Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck, Marlene Dietrich and Elizabeth Taylor, as well as with both her acting coaches, Natasha Lytess and Paula Strasberg。

  Born illegitimately in 1926 to an unmarried mother in the charity ward of the Los Angeles General Hospital, she was originally known as Norma Jeane Mortenson, the child of a 24-year-old film negative cutter, Gladys Pearl Monroe Mortenson, who developed schizophrenia。

  Both of Gladys’s parents, Otis Elmer Monroe and Della Monroe Grainger, lived out their twilight years in mental institutions, while Gladys’s brother, Marion, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia。

  So it is small wonder that the child who became Marilyn Monroe grew up with a deep-rooted fear of genetic insanity。

  This, according to Celeste Holm, gave Marilyn a lifelong terror of pregnancy。

  In addition to her fear of giving birth to an abnormal child, Marilyn suffered from devastating bouts of endometriosis, a gynaecological condition causing intense pelvic pain, severe cramps and painful periods。

  It made normal sexual intercourse difficult and uncomfortable。

  ‘Because of this,’ Holm explained,

  ‘Marilyn was never able to enjoy sex with men。

  Shortly before Marilyn signed with Columbia Pictures in 1948, she met Natasha Lytess, a failed actress who was a drama coach at the studio。

  Marilyn told her close friend, actor Ted Jordan, that she and Natasha were sleeping together。

  Another female star Marilyn pursued and propositioned was Judy Garland, who married three gay men among her five husbands。







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