
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月30日 12:16   沪江英语

  After their smoldering chemistry in the Twilight films, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson confounded their fans and bewildered prying reporters by keeping their real-life relationship cloaked in secrecy for as long as possible。

  So it was Stewart's gut-wrenching apology to Pattinson, punctuated by her double "I love him, I love him," that shocked in its bare expression of emotion nearly as much as her admission of a fling with Rupert Sanders, the married director of Snow White and the Huntsman。

  So how did Stewart, 22, get from private love to public pain? And were there any signs along the way? Here's a timeline of the key events leading up to the cheating scandal:




November 2009 – Cuddly but Coy November 2009 – Cuddly but Coy

  Forget the old excuse they were only together for the movie – promotion of the Twilight sequel New Moon was already done, and still Stewart and Pattinson were spotted in New York joined at the hip, then the lips。

  While their castmates partied at the premiere, the pair sneaked off to hotspots like the Soho House and then Avenue before they were seen making out like high schoolers (despite the best efforts of their bodyguards to block curious eyes。)

  Less than two months later, they quietly welcomed 2010 together at the seaside resort of the Isle of Wight, 80 miles south of Pattinson's family home in west London。




May 2010 – A Big Fat No Comment May 2010 – A Big Fat No Comment

  Stewart sits down for an interview, but don't even think about asking her about Pattinson. "I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them," she tells Elle. "People say, 'Just say who you're dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.' It's like, No they won't! They'll ask for specifics." 2010年5月斯图尔特接受Elle采访,但是没有想到会被问及跟帕丁森有关的问题,“我从来不会谈论我们的关系,因为这会令其变得一文不值。人们总会说‘就告诉大家你跟谁约会好了,这样人们就不会再七嘴八舌了’,不过我觉得他们不会停止讨论,反而会追问更多的细节。”

April 2011 – A Captured Kiss April 2011 – A Captured Kiss

  After looking very "couple-like" while filming Breaking Dawn in Louisiana and enjoying a date night in Vancouver, the pair are photographed kissing after the New York premiere of Pattinson's Water for Elephants. 在路易斯安那拍摄《暮光之城:破晓》的两人看上去非常像一对璧人,并且在温哥华享受了一个浪漫的夜晚。帕丁森的电影《大象的眼泪》的纽约首映式之后,这一对儿被拍到在一起热吻。




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