羽毛球中韩女双涉嫌作弊 中国选手先放水?![]() The Badminton World Federation has charged eight Olympic doubles players with "not using one's best efforts to win a match". 世界羽联已经对8名奥运会羽毛球双打选手展开调查,理由是她们消极比赛。 Four pairs of players - two from South Korea, one from China and one from Indonesia - could be disciplined. 这四对选手中两对来自韩国,一对来自中国,一对来自印度尼西亚,他们可能会受到处罚。 Constant errors, including players serving into the net, took place. 在比赛中,连续不断的失误,包括球员发球下网,都一直在发生。 All four pairs had already qualified for the last eight, and they have been accused of wanting to lose in an attempt to manipulate the draw. 这四对选手都已经进入了女双八强,他们可能会被控告故意输球以改变四分之一决赛的对阵形势。 At Wembley Arena on Tuesday night, fans jeered the women's doubles match between China's Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli and South Koreans Jung Kyung-eun and Kim Ha-na . 周二晚,现场观战的球迷们在中国队的于洋、王晓理和韩国队的郑景银、金荷娜比赛时发出嘘声。 The longest rally in the first game lasted four shots, with match referee Thorsten Berg coming on to the court at one point to warn the players. 第一盘比赛中最长的回合也在还有四拍,以至于裁判托尔斯腾·伯格进入场地警告选手。 South Korea won the Group A match, which lasted 23 minutes, 21-14 21-11. 韩国组合2:0赢得比赛,两局比分是21-14.21-11,整场比赛共持续了23分钟。 Both pairs were already through to the quarter-finals with the winners to face China's Tian Quing and Zhao Yunlei. The two Chinese pairings can now only meet in the final. 两对组合都已经进入8强,胜者会面对中国的另一对组合田卿、赵云蕾。现在中国的两对组合只可能在决赛相遇了。 Korea's coach Sung Han-kook said: "The Chinese started this. They did it first. It's a complicated thing with the draws. They didn't want to meet each other in the semi-final, they don't want that to happen. 韩国队主教练Sung Han-kook表示:“是中国组合先放水的。中国组合不想在半决赛相遇,对阵形势是很复杂的。” "They (BWF) should do something about that." “国际羽联应该对此事有所表态。” But Yu said the Chinese decided to preserve energy ahead of the knockout stages. 但中国队的于洋表示,她们是打算为接下来的淘汰赛节省体力。 She said: "Actually these opponents really were strong. This is the first time we've played them and tomorrow it's the knockout rounds, so we've already qualified and we wanted to have more energy for the knockout rounds." 她说:“实际上这些对手都很强。这是我们和韩国这对组合的首次交锋。而且明天就是淘汰赛了,我们已经晋级所以我们想为淘汰赛保存更多体力。” A later match between South Korean third seeds Ha Jung-Eun and Kim Min-Jung and Indonesian pair Meiliana Juahari and Greysia Polii was played out in a similar atmosphere. 随后进行的韩国三号种子河贞恩、金旼贞与印尼组合波莉、乔哈里的比赛,也处于跟上一场同样的消极氛围中。 Referee Berg returned to court and brandished the black card, signalling disqualification, but it was rescinded and the match resumed when the Indonesians protested. 主裁判伯格一度再次进入球场,挥舞黑牌,意味着取消印尼选手的比赛资格。但这一判罚在印尼选手提出抗议后被废除,比赛继续进行。 Both pairs had also already qualified for the knockout stages, with the winners of Group C to play Yu and Wang and the Korean pairs to face each other if Ha and Kim lost. 这两对选手也已经晋级八强,这场比赛如果韩国选手落败,两对韩国组合就将遭遇,而这场比赛的胜者将面对实力强大的中国组合于洋和王晓理。 The Koreans won 18-21 21-14 21-12 and did not comment before leaving the court, but Polii said: “I don't know what happened. If that's the game, we have to accept all the things. ”最终韩国选手以18-21、21-14、21-12的比分赢下比赛,比赛结束后一言不发地离开了赛场。而印尼选手波莉说:“我不知道到底发生了什么。但既然这是比赛,我们就必须接受所有的事。” The International Olympic Committee said it had “every confidence”in the badminton federation to “deal with the issue appropriately and take any necessary measures”. 国际奥组委称它绝对相信国际羽联会适当地处理这件事并采取必要的措施。 China's Olympic sports delegation has begun an investigation into the matches, state media reported. The country's Olympic Committee opposed any behaviour which violated “sporting spirit and morality”, a spokesman said. 中国奥运代表团也已经开始对这场比赛进行调查。一位发言人表示,中国奥组委反对任何违背体育精神和道德的事。 Further action could be taken based on the results of the investigation, the spokesman said in a report published by Xinhua news agency. 根据新华社公布的一份报告,该发言人表示,后续行动将视这次调查的结果而定。