
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月02日 14:54   沪江英语
伦敦市长玩吊索被吊半空尴尬求救  媒体来源:新浪教育

  The Mayor of London Boris Johnson was left dangling on a zip wire for several minutes when it stopped working at an Olympic live screen event。伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊在参与吊索游戏时不幸停在了半空中,而这都被记录了下来播放在了奥运会的大屏幕上。

  He was trying out a 45m (150ft) high zip wire at Victoria Park, where the Games are being shown on big screens。当时他正在体验维多利亚公园里45米高的吊索游戏,而这一切都展示在了大屏幕上。

  The wire then lost momentum, leaving him suspended "like an odd Christmas decoration" above a crowd of people。吊索突然失去了动力,使得伦敦市长像一个奇怪的圣诞装饰品一样吊在了人群之上。

  As onlookers snapped photos, he joked: "This is great fun but it needs to go faster."一个旁观者拍下了这一幕,他打趣道:“这太有趣了,但是吊索确实应该在快一点。”

  Lee Medcalf, who was at the event, said: "When Boris came down the zip wire, it was very James Bond-esque with him shouting 'Team GB'。在现场的Lee Medcalf 说:“当鲍里斯从高中滑下来的时候,这画面就像詹姆斯邦德式电影一样,他还大喊着‘英国队!’”。

  "However, he seemed to lose momentum and was left hanging there like an odd Christmas decoration for about five to 10 minutes. He spoke to the crowd, which had gathered beneath him, saying 'this is what it's all about; this is great, this is fantastic, this is Team GB'."“然而,但他似乎在半空中失去了动力,而不得不像一个圣诞装饰一样在空中吊了5到10分钟。他对着在他身下聚集起来的人群喊道‘这太棒了,这太精彩了,这就是英国队!’”

  A spokesman for the mayor said: "The mayor has survived his first zip wire experience relatively unscathed。市长的发言人说:“市长坚持完成了他的第一次吊索游戏,还没有受伤。”


  "Clearly the judges are likely to have marked the mayor down for artistic impression, and unlike team GB, the mayor may not be winning too many Gold medals today. He does however remain unbowed."“很明显,裁判肯定会在艺术分上给市长打低分,而且不像英国队,市长今天应该赢不了很多金牌。但他还是完成了。”

  Prime Minister David Cameron said London was "lucky to have" Boris Johnson as mayor。英国首相大卫卡梅隆说伦敦能有鲍里斯这样的市长真是“幸运”。

  Mr Cameron said: "If any other politician got stuck on a zip wire it would be disastrous. With Boris it's a triumph... London is lucky to have him."卡梅隆说:“其他的政客如果被这样吊在了吊索上肯定是个悲剧。但对鲍里斯来说却是个胜利.。。伦敦能拥有这样的市长真是幸运。”



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