
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月06日 10:58   沪江英语

  A woman who gatecrashed India's parade at the Olympic opening ceremony was a member of the cast from the extravaganza but should not have been with the athletes, London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe said on Sunday。伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安·柯在上周日表示,在奥运会开幕式上混入印度代表团中的神秘女子不是运动员,只是一名热情的观众。

  Indian officials were incensed by her unauthorised presence alongside flag-bearing wrestler Sushil Kumar on Friday, wearing red and blue in complete contrast to female members of the contingent who were sporting yellow saris and blue blazers。印度代表团的官员们表示受到了侮辱。这名身穿红色上衣、蓝裤子的女子走在印度代表团的旗手摔跤选手库玛的旁边,和代表团身穿蓝色上衣、黄色纱丽的印度女运动员形成鲜明的对比。



  The welcome extended to Japan’s Olympic athletes at the London Games seems not to have lasted too long. In what appears to be an organizational blunder, Japan’s athletes were shown the exit door, just minutes after appearing at the opening ceremony。伦敦开幕式各国代表团入场式上,日本代表团运动员的出场时间似乎没那么长。由于当天的组织混乱,日本对运动员在亮相绕场几分钟后,就被引导员从旁边的出口直接引导出了体育场现场。



  As this picture shows, motorists travelling along Southampton Row face three options - and all are illegal。如图所示,想要在Southampton Row 路开车的司机们有三条道可供选择,可是开哪条都得吃罚单。

  They can either travel in the bus lane, the Olympic lane or on the wrong side of the road。三条道路分别是公交车道,奥运专用通道或者是驶入错路。

  Obviously no driver would want to travel on the wrong side of the road. But motorists caught travelling in either a bus lane or Olympic lane during operational hours face a £130 fine。不过显然没有司机会想驶入错路去,只是要是在工作时间内被逮到上了公交车道或者奥运通道,他们就不得不面临130英镑的罚单了。



  Scores of Olympic athletes and officials have been making circuitous routes around London as untrained bus drivers transporting them from Heathrow Airport have been lost en route to the Olympic Park in Stratford。因为司机缺乏足够的训练,多名伦敦奥运会参赛运动员及官员在从机场到位于斯特拉特福的奥林匹克公园的路途中迷路。

  Two buses containing Americans and Australians were lost, one for nearly four hours, the other three hours this morning, even though their route was supposed to be fast-tracked by the implementation of the Olympic lane on the busy M4 motorway from Heathrow。尽管伦敦奥组委专门在从希斯罗机场到驻地的M4高速公路上设置了奥运会专用快速通道,但是载有美国与澳大利亚运动员的两辆大巴还是分别迷路了3个小时与将近4个小时。


  As North Korea’s women footballers warmed up for their match against Colombia last night, the flag of bitter rival South Korea was proudly shown on the big screens around the stadium。在昨晚朝鲜女足进行和哥伦比亚女足比赛的赛前热身时,朝鲜人的仇敌韩国的国旗竟然出现在体育场四周的大屏幕上。

  North Korean official Son Kwang Ho (second right) points furiously after the flag of arch-rivals South Korea is shown next to his players' faces by mistake。朝鲜官员在韩国国旗错误地出现在朝鲜女足队员头像旁时,愤怒地向奥组委工作人员投诉。

  完整新闻:奥组委韩国国旗摆乌龙 朝鲜女足很生气



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