
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月06日 10:58   沪江英语

  The elaborate cauldron lit at the London Olympics opening ceremony has been extinguished while it is relocated to another part of the stadium, AFP confirmed on Monday。法新社本周一报道,在伦敦奥林匹克开幕式上被点燃的主火炬在被移动至伦敦碗体育场的另一位置时被熄灭。

  The Olympic cauldron ,which traditionally burns for the entirety of each Games ,was seen unlit within the Olympic Stadium at 11.14pm (2214 GMT) late Sunday。按照传统整个奥运期间奥运圣火应该是不间断燃烧的。但法新社称,在上周日晚间11点14分时,奥运圣火是熄灭的。

  Jackie Brock-Doyle, director of communications for the London Olympics organisers confirmed to AFP the cauldron had been put out in order to allow it to be moved to a different part of the venue。伦敦奥组委的官员Jackie Brock-Doyle向法新社确认,称在火炬移动在场馆的另一面途中,曾经被一度熄灭。


  The Mayor of London Boris Johnson was left dangling on a zip wire for several minutes when it stopped working at an Olympic live screen event。伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊在参与吊索游戏时不幸停在了半空中,而这都被记录了下来播放在了奥运会的大屏幕上。

  He was trying out a 45m (150ft) high zip wire at Victoria Park, where the Games are being shown on big screens。当时他正在体验维多利亚公园里45米高的吊索游戏,而这一切都展示在了大屏幕上。

  The wire then lost momentum, leaving him suspended "like an odd Christmas decoration" above a crowd of people。吊索突然失去了动力,使得伦敦市长像一个奇怪的圣诞装饰品一样吊在了人群之上。



  Yomna Khallaf said her workout bags had a big Nike logo in the front but the zippers had an Adidas branding on them。埃及游泳运动员卡拉夫表示,她的运动包上有一个耐克的商标,但在包的拉链上的商标却是阿迪达斯的。

  The Egyptian Olympic Committee (EOC) secretary general, Motaz Sonbol, said they were shocked to find that the gear was not “directly from Nike”。埃及奥组委的官员称,他们震惊地发现他们买到了山寨的耐克货。



  A diligent soldier on Olympic security duty stopped David Cameron yesterday — demanding to see his papers。一名负责奥运安保的警察昨天半路拦下了大卫·卡梅伦——仔细严谨地要求检查首相的证件。

  The PM praised the squaddie for being “on his marks” as he walked to Downing Street after using the London Underground to visit the Olympic Park in Stratford。首相大人当时走在唐宁街上。被拦下后卡梅伦还大大赞扬了这位认真负责的二等兵。而在之前他刚乘坐伦敦地铁,准备去位于斯特拉福特的奥运公园。

  Mr Cameron told ITV London Tonight the Tube was “pretty good”. But he added: “I was stopped going down Whitehall by a soldier. I didn’t have my papers。”卡梅伦告诉伦敦ITV,称今夜的伦敦地铁“非常棒”。不过他又补充,“途径怀特霍尔街时,我被士兵拦下了。我没有带证件。”



  Police in charge of keeping the Olympics safe have lost the keys to Wembley Stadium. Scotland Yard admitted last night that it was to blame for the shocking breach。负责奥林匹克安全的伦敦警察把温布利大球场的钥匙弄丢了。昨晚苏格兰场承认了这一消息,它需要为此负责。

  Search teams spent days desperately hunting for the keys after they were mislaid during the final preparations for the Games。在奥运会准备期间警察就把钥匙弄丢了,而搜索队伍已经寻找了好多天了。

  Sources said it would cost up to £40,000 to replace the hi-tech laser keys。有消息称,如果要配一条新的高科技钥匙的话,需要花费4万英镑。



  A Brazilian judoka accidentally broke his Olympic bronze medal when he brought it into the shower. Now he's fighting to have it replaced。一位巴西柔道选手将他获得的奥运会铜牌带进浴室洗澡,结果不小心摔坏了奖牌。现在他正努力寻求换一块奖牌。

  Felipe Kitadai said he was carrying the medal everywhere. He took it with him to the shower as a joke, then dropped it while trying to keep it from getting wet。这位名为菲利普·基塔代的运动员说他去任何地方都带着奖牌。他觉得把奖牌带进浴室很好玩,在他试图不让奖牌沾上水时不小心把奖牌摔坏了。

  Kitadai told Brazil's GloboEsporte.com that the part holding the medal's string broke, and now he can't wear it around his neck. He said there's also a small dent on it。基塔代告诉一家巴西体育网站,奖牌上用来系带子的环摔坏了,所以他现在没办法将奖牌挂在脖子上了。而且奖牌上也出现了一个小凹痕。

  完整新闻:巴西选手洗澡摔坏铜牌 这么不经摔?




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