
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月06日 16:12   沪江英语

 We already know US athletes will get $25,000 if they win a gold medal, but are you curious to see how that number compares to what other countries gift their medalists? Below are estimates

  of cash prizes given to the Olympic athletes from different countries. Keep in mind that some athletes, especially the ones from the US, make most of their money from endorsements rather than medal cash rewards. Here's the list of cash prizes ranging from the most to the least:我们都知道美国运动员如果在奥运会上获得金牌,就能得到两万五千美元的奖励(约合人民币16万元)。那么,你是不是也很好奇其他国家的运动员拿了金牌后,能得到多少奖金呢?下面给出一组数据,推测不同国家会给奥运金牌获得者多少现金奖励。不过大家要记住,很多运动员,尤其是美国运动员,大多数的奖金来源于赞助,而不是获奖牌之后得到的现金奖励。下面的榜单按从多到少来排列:

  Singapore: $805,000新加坡:80.5万美元(约513万元)

  Italy: $182,400意大利:18.24万美元(约116万元)

  Russia: $135,000俄罗斯:13.5万美元(约86万元)

  Ukraine: $100,000乌克兰:10万美元(约63.7万元)

  France: $65,200法国:6.52万美元(约41.5万元)

  Japan: $35,900日本:3.59万美元(约22.9万元)

  China: $31,400中国:3.14万美元(约20万元)

  US: $25,000美国:2.5万美元(约16万元)

  Australia: $20,300澳大利亚:2.03万美元(约13万元)

  Canada: $20,000加拿大:2万美元(约12.7万元)

  Ghana: $20,000加纳:2万美元(约12.7万元)

  Germany: $19,500德国:1.95万美元(12.4万元)

  Great Britain: No performance bonus英国:无奖励

  These are just basic estimates of how much athletes are getting for their gold medals from certain sources; there's no telling what the true value of a gold medal will mean for the lucky winner。以上奥运金牌得主的奖励只是根据相关消息所得出的一个基本的推测。当然,能获得金牌本身就是最大的奖励了。


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