
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月08日 16:53   沪江英语

  Actress Marilyn Monroe remains one of the best recognized movie stars in the world, 50 years after her death. Suzie Kennedy pays tribute to the actress by being a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for 14 years, acting in films and plays personifying the late star. "She's the sort of girl that I want as my best friend because she's honest, she's sincere. She can be a pain, but then can't we all. I identify with that." Monroe died from an apparent drug overdose at her Brentwood home. Fans and friends still gather at the iconic star's pink marble gravesite to remember her, who was 36 years old when she died in 1962. Greg Schreiner, who has one of the largest Monroe collections in the world, said it wasn't just about her style that made people love her. "It's so unusual to see someone who's a beautiful person to have this need inside," Schreiner said. "You think they'd be perfect, that they'd be so happy. But there was this unrest inside of her that we're attracted to and in equally men and women, which is unusual for someone who is a sexy blonde, you'd think only men would be attracted, but women loved her too." Sunday, August 5, marks the 50th anniversary of her untimely passing. Roselle Chen, Reuters.

  女星玛丽莲梦露在死50年,仍被公认是世界上最优秀的电影明星之一。Suzie Kennedy在电影和戏剧中模仿已故的玛丽莲梦露长达14年之久,以此来表达对这名女演员的赞颂。“她是那种我想成为最好朋友的女孩,她既诚实又真诚。她可能遭受过痛苦,但谁不是呢。我认同那些。”梦露在Brentwood家中因明显服用过量药物死亡。如今粉丝和朋友仍然聚集在粉红色大理石墓碑旁纪念这名死于1962年年仅36岁的明星。Greg Schreiner拥有全世界最多有关梦露的收藏品,她说梦露能惹人爱不仅仅在于她的风格。“漂亮的人内心却有这种需求。”Schreiner 说:“你认为她们会完美,她们会高兴。但她内心却有这种不安,不管男女都被吸引,这对于一个性感的金发女郎来说是不寻常的,你也许会认为只有男士会被吸引,但女士也不例外。”8月5日即周日,是梦露英年早逝50周年纪念日。


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