
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月09日 11:11   沪江英语

  British model, style icon and TV presenter Alexa Chung is set to guest star on Gossip Girl this fall, according to a new UK report. She was recently seen on the set in a blue, sailor-esque dress.

  据英国媒体最新报道,英国模特、潮流达人、电视节目主持人 Alexa Chung将会客串将会在秋季播出的《绯闻女孩》。最近有人看到她身着一身蓝色海军服范儿连衣裙出现在片场。

  The 28-year-old's role in Gossip Girl Season 6 is unclear, but we look forward to seeing what her new role might bring - whether she's playing herself or not.


  Only 11 episodes of Gossip Girl remain, and the first of them has a name. The sixth and final season premiere, scheduled to premiere this fall, will be titled "Gone Maybe Gone".

  另外《绯闻女孩》第六季一共只有11集,而第一集的名字已经确定了。《绯闻女孩》第六季也是该剧的最后一季的第一集的名字叫做《Gone Maybe Gone》,将会在今秋上映。


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