
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月10日 11:12   沪江英语

  Networks and studios have continued to take a hard line on holding down salaries, based on TV Guide Magazine's annual survey drawn from conversations with agents, network executives and studio heads. Rare is the lead actor who can enter a new series earning more than $125,000 an episode. The exceptions are those with a ratings track rec­ord of having a major hit show (Matthew Perry) or a significant career in feature films (Kevin Bacon).

  Premium cable networks such as HBO and Showtime can go higher with series that produce only 13 episodes a year. But newcomers to shows with ensemble casts earn around $30,000 or less per episode. Established mid-level actors are seeing lower rates as well. "The third role down, there are no qualms in sending out offers that are way below an actor's price quotes," one agent notes. "The actor who made $75,000 a couple of years ago is now being offered $50,000 or $60,000."

  The television industry can thank the feature-film business for creating the current buyers' market. Movie studios are now driven by big-budget action thrillers that play well internationally, leaving little work for actors who made their living in genre movies, romantic comedies and family films. "Theatrical talent is coming into television, and that's pushing the price of television people down," says one network president. A tough economic climate — and smaller ratings — has also given TV executives the courage to say no. "They say we have no money and they hold firm," according to one talent manager.

  So how can the stars of Modern Family be getting raises that more than double their salaries? "When you've got a hit show, all bets are off," says one network entertainment president. The cast was united in seeking a share of the fortune the show's studio, 20th Century Fox Television, stands to make from syndicated reruns of the hit ABC comedy (USA Network is already committed to $1.5 million per episode). But executives believe the recent brief standoff was a standard renegotiation for a successful series and will have no effect on actor pay scales for new shows going forward.

  Networks are paying more on the reality side, where major names are being sought to create buzz and ratings. Howard Stern picked up $15 million to join America's Got Talent. Mariah Carey will get around $17 million to join American Idol. Compared to the challenges of the music business, a seat at the judges' table seems a lucrative way for recording artists looking to keep up their public profiles. "You have to do a lot of touring and sell a lot of downloads to make the money you used to make," says Fox Entertainment president Kevin Reilly. Stars like Carey don't come cheap, but reality competition shows are among the most profitable in prime time. Says Reilly, "If bringing some of the biggest names in the business generates a new dynamic and some viewing interest, that's a smart investment."


  Drama (per episode)

  Mark Harmon (NCIS): $500,000

  Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy): $350,000

  Kevin Bacon (The Following): $175,000

  Lucy Liu (Elementary): $125,000

  Stephen Amell (Arrow): $30,000

  Comedy (per episode)

  Ashton Kutcher (Two and a Half Men): $700,000

  Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory): $300,000

  Modern Family Adult Cast: $175,000 each

  Lea Michele (Glee): $75,000

  Crystal the Monkey (Animal Practice): $12,000

  Late Night (per year)

  David Letterman: $28 million

  Jay Leno: $25 million

  Jon Stewart: $16 million

  Craig Ferguson: $8 million

  Chelsea Handler: $8 million

  Daytime/Syndication (per year)

  Judy Sheindlin (Judge Judy): $45 million

  Joe Brown (Judge Joe Brown): $20 million

  Kelly Ripa (Live! With Kelly): $20 million

  Sherri Shepherd (The View): $1.5 million

  Mario Batali (The Chew): $6,000 per episode


  Mariah Carey (American Idol): $17 million per season

  Howard Stern (America's Got Talent): $15 million per season

  Pauly DelVecchio (Jersey Shore): $175,000 per episode

  Betty White (Off Their Rockers): $50,000 per episode

  Landry Family (Swamp People): $25,000 per episode

  News (per year)

  Matt Lauer (Today): $21.5 million

  Bill O'Reilly (The O'Reilly Factor): $15 million

  Diane Sawyer (ABC World News): $12 million

  Anderson Cooper (Anderson Cooper 360 and Anderson Live): $11 million

  Robin Meade (HLN anchor): $750,000

  Tvguide网站日前公布了美国电视明星收入排行榜,涵盖电视剧,真人秀,新闻等各领域。《好汉两个半》主演阿什顿-库彻以每集70万美金的报酬居电视剧明星首位。《摩登家庭》主演一人一集17万5颇有当年《老友记》的架势(不过当年老友六人涨工资可是高达一人一集一百万)。休老瑞不演豪斯之后,Mark Harmon顶到剧情类第一。当然,演电视剧的再忙乎也和说脱口秀的和新闻主播有一定差距。


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