
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月13日 14:59   沪江英语

  Justin Lin is set to direct LA Riots. Deadline has confirmed Lin's involvement in the upcoming project, following Vulture's report that he was in talks.

  LA Riots will be based on the 1992 riot in Los Angeles that lasted over six days, killing 53 people, injuring 2,000 and costing the city $1 billion in property damage. The riot escalated after the acquittal of four LAPD cops charged with beating Rodney King. Spike Lee was attached to direct the project until he parted ways with Universal.

  Lin is best known for his work on the Fast and the Furious franchise, directing last year's Fast Five. He also directed and wrote Better Luck Tomorrow about a group of Asian-American overachievers who become involve in the world of crime, starring Total Recall actor John Cho.

  华裔导演林诣彬(Justin Lin)将接手新片《洛杉矶暴动》(LA Riots)。前不久Vulture网站报导了华裔导演林诣彬有望执导新片《洛杉矶暴动》的消息,目前这一消息已经得到了Deadline的确认,林诣彬将加盟《洛杉矶暴动》剧组。《洛杉矶暴动》一片取材于1992年发生在洛杉矶的那场超过6天的大暴动。在这场暴动中,有53人死亡,2000余人受伤,财产损失近10亿美元。事件的起因是四名洛杉矶警局的警察在武力殴打一名叫罗德尼-金(Rodney King)的黑人后被无罪释放,这导致了暴动的逐步升级。斯派克-李(Spike Lee)原本将执导这部影片,但最终还是与环球电影公司(Universal)擦肩而过。

  《速度与激情》使林诣彬广为人知,去年他执导的《速度与激情5》也广受好评。除了《速度与激情》,林诣彬也是影片《火爆麻吉》(Better Luck Tomorrow)的导演兼编剧,这是一部讲述亚裔美国高中生的影片,他们成绩拔尖,却最终在犯罪中迷失了自己。这部影片由《新宇宙威龙》(Total Recall)演员约翰-赵(John Cho)主演。


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