
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月14日 10:59   沪江英语
罗伯特-帕丁森被劈腿后首度露脸 罗伯特-帕丁森被劈腿后首度露脸

  He might have a stake through his heart, but he still managed a smile and a stiff upper lip.

  Robert Pattinson emerged from self-imposed seclusion Monday at the MoMA premiere of his new movie “Cosmopolis,” posing for red carpet photos but strictly avoiding questions about girlfriend Kristen Stewart’s recent make-out session with a married man almost twice her age.

  The humiliated hunk reflected on himself instead, saying he embraced the R-rated "Cosmopolis" script after building his career on the relatively safe and stable "Twilight" vampire saga.

  ”I knew ("Cosmopolis") would be different, but I didn't have anything to be scared of except failing,” he told the Daily News.

  “(The Stewart scandal) doesn’t touch me and it doesn't touch the film," director David Cronenberg told The News.


  Wearing a tailored Gucci suit and slicked back hair, Pattinson smiled and gave a hearty "Cheers!" as he followed his co-stars, including Paul Giamatti, into the screening room.

  Earlier in the day, Pattinson taped an appearance on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” not once mentioning Stewart by name and steering clear of his romantic woes, audience members said.

  "He was confident. He was in control of himself," said Carol Ann Castelli, 49, a nurse from Manalapan, N.J., who scored a seat in the taping. “He handled himself well. I think he just wanted people to know he was okay."

  Stewart didn’t push it, those in the taping said, but he did offer Pattinson some ice cream to drown his sorrows, including a Ben and Jerry’s flavor named after the Kama Sutra sex text.

  “They had some girl time. Like how girls handle things,” Liz Likely, 24, an accountant from Selden, Long Island, said.

  Pattinson continues his “Cosmopolis” promotional tour by ringing the opening bell at the NYSE Tuesday, giving a live interview to ABC’s “Good Morning America” Wednesday and sitting for a 30-minute online chat with MTV News Thursday morning.

  "’Cosmopolis’ is a film that Robert is very proud of and looks forward to supporting," Pattinson's rep said in recent statement to The News.


  对于《大都会》这部电影,帕丁森显然十分用心,“我知道这部电影十分与众不同,除了失败,我无所畏惧。”对于电影夸夸其谈的帕丁森,对恋情却始终三缄其口。在之前参加的脱口秀《斯图尔特每日秀》上,据观众介绍,帕丁森一次都没提到斯图尔特的名字,而且每次都用一声叹息回避话题。参与录影的一位女护士说: “他很自信,很会自我调节,他只想告诉大家他一切安好。”



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