Taylor Swift新专辑《RED》10月发行(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月14日 17:12   沪江英语
泰勒-斯威夫特新专辑《RED》10月发行 首波新单强势来袭泰勒-斯威夫特新专辑《RED》10月发行 首波新单强势来袭

  During a live web chat with fans, Taylor made the announcement we’ve all been waiting for — she has a new album coming out! Read on for all the details.

  When Taylor Swift told all of her fans that she would be hosting a live web chat on August 13, we wondered what she’d have to tell us! Taylor’s finally just made her announcement — she has a new album coming out this fall!

  Taylor told fans that her new album, which is titled Red, will be released on October 22. She said she has been working on the album for the past two years, and she cut down 30-35 songs to the final 16 that made the track list! During the web chat, Taylor also officially premiered her new single, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” and sang along to it with her fans, adorably. The single is now available on iTunes.

  睽违两年,乡村小天后泰勒-斯威夫特终于又要发行唱片啦!在北京时间8月14日上午的Youtube 直播中,泰勒亲自公布了其最新专辑的名称——《RED》,并宣布新专辑将在今年10月22日正式发行,共收录16首歌曲。不同于上一张,新专辑加入了很多合作,包括大牌制作人Max Martin以及Ed Sheeran。


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