
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月15日 15:22   沪江英语

  Leave it to Glee executive producer Ryan Murphy to become the master of Twitter seemingly overnight. Since joining the social media site just over a week ago, Murphy has become Glee fans' BFF, thanks to his exclusive Q&A sessions and deleted scenes.

  On Friday, Murphy dished on what's ahead for the Fox hit's fan favorite couples, including Finchel, Klaine, Quick, Samcedes and more. (Spoiler alert: he handed out Season Four spoilers like it was free candy on Halloween.)

  Finchel: Murphy assures fans that the fan favorite couple will still be in touch in season four and says, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." In case you couldn't tell, Murphy seems to be a bit of a Finn (Cory Monteith) and Rachel (Lea Michele) supporter, even tweeting, "#stayawaybrody!" (Brody is a guy, played by Dean Geyer, at NYADA who will take in interest in our girl.) As for Finchel kisses, Murphy says fans will "absolutely" see some liplockin'.

  When a fan asked if Finn (Cory Monteith) will be following his dreams this season Murphy says, "The exciting thing is this season he will finally get one."

  Klaine: Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss), and all the other long-distance Glee couples, will keep in touch via e-mail, phone calls, Skype and Twitter, Murphy reveals. When a fan asked if they duo can get married, Murphy answers, "I believe in happy endings." (What's that sound? It's the sound of Klaine fans everywhere squealing in delight。) And, "yes," you can expect a Klaine duet in season four. Phew!

  Brittana: Fret not, Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) will still be together in season four and Murphy teases that "in one episode, [they will have] an equal amount of kisses to Finchel." Hiyo!

  Quick: Though they probably won't be in every episode, Murphy assures Quinn (Dianna Agron) and Puck (Mark Salling) "will always be friends and spend all Thanksgiving together."

  Fabrerry: Also getting some QT time come Turkeyday? Besties Rachel and Quinn. "Yes, they will have scenes together. Thanksgiving episodes = Faberry heaven."

  Samcedes: While their romance has fizzled, "they will always be friends," Murphy assures. Plus, Sam (Chord Overstreet) is getting a new lady! And so is…

  Artie: When asked if Artie (Kevin McHale) will have a love interest this season, Murphy teases, "Funny, we just wrote that scene. The result will surprise you. #boyinchairneedsalady!"

  Reunion: Fans already missing the original Glee gang, you won't have to wait too long to see them all together again. "Wait til episode 4," Murphy says. "Your head will explode."

  《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的执行制片人瑞恩·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)似乎一夜之间成为了推特上的大红人。加入推特仅一周,他就成了所有Gleek的超级好友。这可要归功于他放出的多则被删片段以及与粉丝的积极互动。



  墨菲保证这对最受粉丝喜爱的情侣将在第四季继续保持联系。他说:“距离让两个人的心贴的更近。”也许你感受不出,不过墨菲绝对是个Finchel的支持者,他还在推特上写道“#消失吧布罗迪”(由迪恩·盖尔Dean Geyer饰演的布罗迪Brody是纽约戏剧学院的学生,对蕾切尔很有好感)。至于Finchel的吻戏,墨菲承诺两人“绝对”会啵好几次。当粉丝问到芬恩是否会在新一季中追随自己的梦想做出行动时,墨菲说:“最激动人心的事便是他终于有了自己的梦想。”

  Klaine (科特+布莱恩)


  Brittana (布利特尼+桑塔纳)


  Quick (奎恩+帕克)


  Fabrerry (奎恩+蕾切尔)


  Samcedes (萨姆+梅塞迪斯)








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