《暮光之城》系列《破晓2》即将上演(图)![]() With a little more than four months left before The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2 hits theaters on Nov. 16. In the fourth film, newlywed Bella (Kristen Stewart) is finally a vampire and can spend eternity in love with her husband Edward (Robert Pattinson). But this is is the Twili-verse, and there is no time for warm-and-fuzzies. ![]() 还有四个多月《暮光之城:破晓(2)》就要在11月6日上演了。在第四部电影中,新婚不久的Bella终于还是变成了吸血鬼,并且全心全意爱着丈夫Edward。但是片中可没太多时间展示温存、爱意的画面。 Part 2 ventures even further from reality, with just about everyone in the film either a vampire or a member of the wolf pack headed up by Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Most central among the new characters is Bella and Edward's rapidly growing daughter, Renesmee. After an unfortunate miscommunication, the ruling vampire class known as the Volturi mistakenly believe that Renesmee was born human and then turned. (Vampire babies are a violation of vampire law, the punishment being death for both the child and the makers.) ![]() 《破晓 2》的故事更加脱离现实,片中出现的角色不是吸血鬼就是Jacob Black管制的狼人。而新角色中最受大家关注的就是Bella和Edward的女儿Renesmee。在一系列误会之后,吸血鬼统治阶层认为 Renesmee是生下来的时候是人类,然后再转化为吸血鬼的。(吸血鬼的法律禁止吸血鬼之间生子,违法的吸血鬼孩子和父母都会受到惩罚。 For more on Breaking Dawn—Part 2 and all the movies we can't wait to see this fall. 我们都等不及想看《暮光之城:破晓2》上映了!