李娜辛辛那提逆转夺冠打破14个月冠军荒李娜辛辛那提逆转夺冠 打破14个月冠军荒
CINCINNATI, OH, USA - Her momentum started building in Montréal last week, and in Cincinnati this week she hit full stride. On Sunday Li Na won her first WTA title since her famous French Open triumph 14 months ago, and it was at a very big one too - the Premier-level Western & Southern Open in Cincy. The No.9-seeded Li had some struggles during the week, going to three sets with Sorana Cirstea in her opening match and with Venus Williams in the semifinals, but she was on fire at times too, routing Johanna Larsson and the tournament's top seed, Agnieszka Radwanska, in her other matches. The final against Angelique Kerber was a combination of the two Lis, as she went wild in falling behind 61 31; but she caught fire with her back against the wall, winning nine games in a row to take the second set and go up 4-0 in the third, running away with it against the No.6-seeded German, 16 63 61. "I felt like she was playing unbelievable in the first set. I was trying to play flat and fast, but she had no mistakes and every ball came back to my side," Li said. "I tried to change something at the beginning of the second set but it didn't work, but I just kept trying and finally it worked. I'm very happy to win this title and now I'll take two days off - I've played a lot of tennis these two weeks." Li cited a few different things as her inspiration to win the final: "Last night I was thinking about how I was in three finals this year but never won a title. So I was really hungry for the title today. Also, I was having lunch today and saw Roger after he won, having his photo taken - I really wanted to do the same." Kerber, who had an exceptional week - most impressively taking out Serena Williams in the quarterfinals, snapping the American's 19-match winning streak - had some strong numbers early on in the final, but Li's aggressive game was just too damaging for her, as Li had three times the winners (33 to 11). 【新闻快讯】 北京时间8月20日消息,总奖金额为2,168,400美元的WTA超5系列赛辛辛那提西南财团公开赛结束冠军争夺,金花一姐李娜(微博)在一度 1-6/1-3落后的逆境下开始爆发,在打出一波连下9局的高潮后,以总比分1-6/6-3/6-1逆转底线防守有如铁桶阵的德国新晋一姐科贝尔,打破个人自去年法网夺冠后长达14个月的冠军荒,也实现了生涯首度在超五系列赛(级别仅次于大满贯和四大皇冠赛)上折桂的突破。 科贝尔在比赛首局就以Love Game保发,展现出极佳的状态。反观李娜则明显慢热,连续两次击球出界后无奈让出发球局。延续着此前出色的发球状态,德国一姐如愿取得3-0的领先。第六局中科贝尔在一次高压扣杀后再次逼出两个破发点,李娜依靠制胜分化解一次危机后,又因一次正手失误交出发球局。在发球胜赛局利用发球挽救了三个破发点后,科贝尔最终依靠一记反手制胜分拿下盘点,将首盘的比分锁定在6-1。 次盘开局送出两记双误的李娜又早早交出了发球局,科贝尔在加强发球质量后就确立了3-1的领先。然而李娜也没有泄气,守住第五局后,她凭借漂亮的反手制胜球实现了回破。顶住科贝尔的反扑后,李娜以4-3首次实现比分的反超。两人在第八局展开漫长的拉锯战,李娜在经历了九次平分和浪费了七个破发点后,最终依靠接发球压迫完成致命一击。强势的守住发球胜盘局后,李娜就以6-3艰难的扳回一盘。 趁胜追击的李娜在决胜盘开局就依靠连续的制胜分率先取得破发,在发球局送出Love Game后,中国金花确立2-0的领先。火力全开的李娜随后再次连下四分破掉科贝尔的发球局,比分优势确立为4-0。科贝尔在打出一次发球上网战术后成功保发,止住了连丢九局的颓势。而李娜则在轰出一记反手制胜分后继续以5-1领先。此时冠军的归属已经失去了悬念,李娜在盘末再度取得破发后,就以6-1上演大逆转,首夺超5系列赛冠军。