
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月22日 11:11   沪江英语

  Pregnancy really seems to agree with Megan Fox. The 26-year-old actress' growing baby bump is, like everything else about her, nothing short of perfection.

  The "Transformers" star stepped out for an early evening coffee run with her older sister Kristi, and there was nothing frumpy about the actress' pregnancy clothes. Fox donned a colorful floral print dress that hugged her curves — including her very round baby belly — in all the right places during their jaunt through Los Angeles. She topped off her look with sky-high red platform heels. The glowing mom-to-be gestured animatedly with one hand as she balanced a cup of coffee in the other, and the sisters seemed to be in good spirits.

  Fox and husband Brian Austin Green, 38, have been together since 2004 and wed in Hawaii six years later. This will be the first child for Fox and the second for Green, who has a 9-year-old son from a previous relationship with actress Vanessa Marcil.


  现年26岁的《变形金刚》女星梅根-福克斯与38岁的丈夫布莱恩-格林自2004年起开始交往,并于2010年在夏威夷结婚。这将是两人的第一个孩子。格林此前与演员Vanessa Marcil有过一段婚姻,并有一个9岁的儿子。


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