
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月23日 11:10   沪江英语
泰勒-斯威夫特喜欢“经典”的时尚 新香水广告唯美献映泰勒-斯威夫特喜欢“经典”的时尚 新香水广告唯美献映

  Taylor Swift is a huge fan of "classic" fashion.

  The 22-year-old singer says her look of the moment is very timeless so wanted that to be reflected in the advert for her new perfume Wonderstruck Enchanted.

  She said: "I love the look of my ad. I'm wearing this amazing gown that I loved as soon as I put it on. It's a classic look, and that's been my recent style obsession. Anything classic and timeless."

  Taylor says the scent - a follow-up to last year's Wonderstruck and has a blend of wild berries and flowers, with notes of passion fruit, white musk and vanilla - is the "next chapter" in her perfume story.

  She told PEOPLE: "Wonderstruck Enchanted is the next chapter in the story of my Wonderstruck fragrance. Wonderstruck is about that moment when you instantly feel a connection to someone, but then there's that feeling of being completely enamored - enchanted - when you know a little more about that someone and still feel that strong connection."



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