脸基尼:青岛海滩蒙面防晒造型成潮流Facekini 脸基尼
People are covering up with something that looks like a ski mask to stay pale. 人们开始带上一种像滑雪面具一样的东西来防晒。 The sun can be a pretty harmful thing on your skin so if you are thinking, 'somebody should do something about that sun,' we have good news. Somebody has, and it's called the facekini. 太阳在某种程度上会伤害你的皮肤,所以,如果你正在想:“是不是该有人做些什么”,那么这里就有个好消息:确实有人做了,这个面具被称为“脸基尼”。 It's essentially a cover for your face that prevents the sun from hitting your skin and makes it look like there are a gang of bank robbers on the beach. 虽然看上去就像是海滩上聚集了一群银行劫匪,但这个面具可以保护你的脸不受到太阳的伤害。 This is the newest way people on the beach in Qingdao, China are preventing themselves from getting a tan while sitting on the beach. 这是青岛人们在海滩上享受日光浴时使用的最新防晒工具。 青岛海滩蒙面防晒造型成潮流
The masks have been turning heads on the beaches in Qingdao. According to The New York Times, a trio of heavily tattooed young men stopped splashing and a small boy ran toward his mother as one woman rose from the waves wrapped in a neon-orange mask. 这样的面具在青岛的沙滩上吸引了不少的目光。根据《纽约时报》的报道,当看到从海浪里走出来的带着橙色面具的大妈时,三个纹着大量纹身的青年惊讶地停止戏水,一名小男孩吓得找妈妈去了。 The masks are made of a stretchy fabric that is commonly used in bathing suits and can be accompanied by apparel that covers other parts of the body, such as the arms. 面具常用泳衣材质的弹性面料制成,可以和遮挡身体其部分的衣服搭在一起,比方说胳膊。 According to the Daily Mail, the mask was invented by a local about seven years ago and is now being mass produced. 根据《每日邮报》的报道,这个面具是一个当地人7年前发明的,现在已经被投入大量生产了。 The facekini sells for between two and four dollars, but many residents are making their own out of old clothes. “脸基尼”售价大约2-4美元,不过许多居民还是用自家的旧衣服自制一个面具。