
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月29日 13:55   沪江英语

  Prince Harry may be in the royal doghouse after naked pictures of him partying in Las Vegas leaked online last week, but fans of his antics are stripping down to support him。

  Tens of thousands of people have joined a Facebook group to stand with the royal in his time of embarrassment, posing nude and often in military-inspired gear in an unusual show of solidarity called “Support Prince Harry with a naked salute。”


  Harry’s nude fans range from young women to male soldiers and even include babies and animals, all posed saluting the prince。

  The submissions also represent a wide variety of nations, including posts from Brazil, Israel, Italy and the Netherlands。

  The group was founded by former British Army soldier Jordan Wylie on August 24, one day after a series of photos of Harry cavorting naked with an unidentified blonde in a hotel room in Las Vegas hit the Internet。

  “I salute you Harry!” Wylie wrote, posting a picture of himself standing at attention while holding a Union Jack over his nether regions。





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