
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月17日 09:57   沪江英语

  Boosts Immune System加强免疫系统

  Laughter not only makes you feel good, but it helps boost your immune system too。大笑不仅可以使你感觉良好,还能加强你的免疫系统。

  Scientists found that laughter decreases serum cortisol levels (stress chemicals), increases T lymphocytes (white blood cells that play a key role in immunity), and increases the number of natural killer cells。科学家发现,大笑可以降低人体内的血清皮质醇水平(造成压力的化学物质),增加T淋巴细胞(对免疫系统起到重要作用的白血球),还能增加体内的自然杀手细胞的数量。

  These results suggest that laughter stimulates the immune system and ultimately makes you healthier。这些研究结果表明,大笑可以增强免疫系统,最终让你变得更健康。

  Increases Attractiveness增加吸引力

  A study by a Canadian University found that laughter makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. The study found that smiley people seem more approachable, plus when you laugh, your blood supply increases, causing a rosy glow to the skin, making it appear more youthful and appealing to look at。加拿大大学的一项研究发现,大笑可以使你对异性产生更大的吸引力。爱笑的人看起来更容易亲近,而且,当你笑起来的时候,体内的供血就会增加,皮肤就会显现出粉红色的红晕,使你看起来更加年轻,更加迷人。

  Provides Pain Relief减少疼痛

  Researchers at Oxford University found that laughter can act as an effective pain reliever. Laughter releases the feel-good chemical endorphin and it acted like pain relief to the participants。牛津大学的研究发现,大笑可以有效地止痛。大笑会使体内释放出脑内啡,这种物质会使人心情愉快,并减少疼痛。

  Helps Keep Heart Healthy保持心脏健康

  According to a recent study, laughter, along with an active sense of humor, could help protect you against a heart attack. The study found that people with heart disease were 40% less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease。根据近期的研究表明,大笑和幽默可以保护你免受心脏病的困扰。研究发现,在各种情境下,与没有心脏病的人相比,患有心脏病的病人大(微博)笑的次数要少掉40%。

  Another study claimed that laughing 100 times a day is the equivalent of 10 minutes of rowing. The study also found that laughter increases the heart rate, improves blood circulation, and works muscles all over the body。还有的研究发现,每天笑100次的话,就相当于划船10分钟。该研究还指出,大笑可以提高心率,改善血液循环,活动全身肌肉。

  Keeps You Fit纤体瘦身

  A study by Loma Linda University found that a good belly laugh positively affected two hormones that regulate appetite, leptin and ghrelin, meaning it could also help decrease appetite。美国加州洛玛连达大学的一项研究发现,捧腹大笑对人体内控制食欲的两大激素瘦蛋白和胃饥饿素起到很好的抑制作用。这就表示大笑可以减少食欲。


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