New York has been named the dirtiest out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out-of-towners who read Travel + Leisure magazine. Tourists cited New York’s garbage-piled sidewalks and funky odors to shove Gotham to the top of the trash heap in the poll, which is part of the magazine’s annual America’s Favorite Cities survey. The magazine polled 50,000 people online, but the tourists were the harshest. You’d think New Yorkers would be quick to defend the capital of the world — but the nose knows; city residents ranked our rankness as the second-worst in the nation, behind, obviously, Baltimore. “New York is beyond nasty!” said Nevillyn Parsons, 42, a city resident who recently snapped a photo of a rat rummaging through garbage outside a Brooklyn courthouse. Of course, Mayor Bloomberg covered the stench of defeat in a floral spray of spin. “Sounds like the people in this survey haven't been here in a long while,” said mayoral spokeswoman Julie Wood. The city’s 50 million tourists last year, she added, “saw for themselves that the city is cleaner than ever.” A recent Sanitation Department report gave the city’s streets a 95% cleanliness rating, up from 70% in the 1970s. But nonnative New Yorkers weren’t buying that particular bridge Monday. Other cities “don't have the same smell of (urine) and the rodent problem that you have here,” said Derek Snow, 35, who moved to New York from Boston. “But if you want the extremely awesome, you have to take the extremely bad.” New Yorkers may be slightly more immune to their city’s grit and grime — and the occasional skittering rodent — as they slog to their jobs every day. But they’re not so thrilled once they get there. New York ranked only 17th in a separate survey of the 20 “happiest cities” for young professionals ranked by CareerBliss.com. 纽约被《旅行+休闲》杂志的游客读者们评为美国35个国际都市中最脏的一个。 游客指出,纽约的人行道上堆满了垃圾,散发出恶臭,这让纽约成功登顶垃圾堆城市榜。这一调查是该杂志的年度美国最受喜爱城市调查的一部分。 该杂志在网上调查了5万人,而游客们的评价是最毒的。 你可能以为纽约人会迅速跳起来为这个世界之都辩护,但是天晓得纽约居民也把纽约评为全国第二脏的城市,当然,仅次于巴尔的摩。 一位42岁的纽约市民奈维林-帕森斯说:“纽约脏得不能再脏了!”他最近刚拍了一张布鲁克林法院外老鼠乱翻垃圾箱的照片。 当然,纽约市长彭博用让人晕眩的花香喷雾盖住了恶臭的失败印记。 市长女发言人朱莉-伍德说:“听上去调查的这些人似乎在纽约待的时间并不长。” 她补充说,该市去年5000万游客“亲眼看见纽约市比以往任何时候都更干净”。 一项卫生部的新报告给纽约街道打出清洁度95%的评价,而20世纪70年代清洁度仅为70%。然而周一的调查显示,来自外地的纽约人并不买账。 从波士顿搬来纽约的35岁的德雷克-斯诺说其他城市“并没有纽约这种(尿骚)味和老鼠泛滥的问题。但如果你想要得到特别棒的东西,你就必须接受特别糟的东西。” 纽约人也许对自己城市的砂砾和尘垢稍微更有免疫力一些,对每天上班路上偶尔窜过脚边的老鼠也更见怪不怪。 但他们到纽约后就兴奋不起来了。CareerBliss.com开展的一项独立调查评出了年轻专业人士“最快乐的20个城市”,纽约只排在第17位。