谷歌中国关闭音乐搜索服务 称未达预期   2012年09月24日 14:05   沪江英语

  GOOGLE Inc is shutting its online music download service in the Chinese mainland next month because of pressure from local rivals such as Baidu Inc and Tencent's QQ。

  The service, available only to computers with an Internet address in the mainland, will close on October 19. Users of Music Search will be able to log in and download their stored playlists until then.In its Chinese-language company blog, the US-based search giant

  admitted that the music website's impact had been "less than expected."As with Google's core online search business, the music service found it difficult to compete with its domestic rivals。

  By the end of second quarter, Google had 15.7 percent of the online search market in China, the world's biggest Internet market with 538 million computer users. That was far behind market leader Baidu, which had a 78.6 percent market share, according to Analysys International, a Beijing-based IT research firm。

  Google's market share declined from more than 30 percent to 15 percent after it moved its China servers from the mainland to Hong Kong in 2010. Google's music website made its debut

  three years ago, offering free and legal music content to Chinese consumers.Later, Baidu and Tencent began similar services which gradually came to dominate the domestic online music market. 



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