
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月28日 14:14   沪江英语

  On Wednesday morning she showed up to talk all about her new movie The Perks Of Being A Wallflower at Radio 1 dressed in geek chic with her spectacles and coat.

  But fast forward a few hours and Emma Watson decided to dress to the nines as she took to the red carpet to promote the film on Wednesday night.

  But the Harry Potter actress appeared to have forgotten to take her trousers off as she showed up looking stunning in black... but wearing both a dress and long pants to the glitzy event.


  Smiling sweetly the 22-year-old accessorised with an intricate silver pendant in the shape of a key and kept her make-up low-key.

  But as eyes moved downwards it became evident Emma had not only worn a dress to the screening but also a pair of trousers worn underneath it or even especially stitched to the gown.

  Although she still looked glamorous and grown up with her skyhigh heels finishing off the look.


  伦敦当地时间9月26日,电影《壁花少年》举行特别放映会。主演艾玛-沃特森以一袭抹胸短裙搭配黑色窄脚裤的个性装扮现身,被英国《每日邮报》开玩笑说其忘记脱掉裤子。但艾玛靓丽动人的气质却丝毫没有减分,在特别放映会前,艾玛以一袭黑色风衣搭配黑框眼镜的造型现身Radio 1的采访现场,英伦气质不言自明。



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