1. Eat in front of a mirror对着镜子吃东西
Researchers from Arizona State University and Erasmus University Rotterdam found that watching ourselves eat can be a powerful trigger to consume less. During their experiments, the researchers placed a mirror in front of participants and found that those eating in front of a mirror consumed less food. The researchers believe that this is because seeing ourselves eat makes us more aware of our bodies and that we do not want to watch ourselves overeat。来自亚利桑那州立大学和荷兰鹿特丹大学的研究人员发现,观察自己吃东西是控制食欲的给力助推器。研究人员在实验中发现,在有镜子在面前的参与者吃东西会减少。他们推测原因是我们看着自己会将注意力更多地转移到自己的身形,就不愿意自己过度进食了。
2. Choose male eating companions选择与男性朋友一起吃饭
If you want to cut down on your food consumption when dining out, research suggests that opting for male eating companions could help you to consume less food. Researchers from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and the University of Akron found that both men and women consumed fewer calories when dining with men than with women. 如果你想在外出吃大餐时减少自己的进食量,研究建议选择一个男性伙伴一起吃饭吧,这样会有你想要的效果。来自宾州印第安纳大学和阿克伦大学的研究人员发现,不管男人还是女人,和男性朋友一起吃饭都比和女性朋友吃饭能更多地减少体内卡路里的摄入。
The researchers believe that this is because we are more aware of our gender when around the opposite sex and women restrict their eating to appear “more feminine” while men eat more around women to appear “more masculine”. 研究人员认为这种现象可能是因为与异性吃饭的我们会更注意自己的性别,女人会因为和男性朋友吃饭而表现得更加有女人味,同样的,男人也会因为和女性朋友吃饭而显示出自己的男性魅力。
3. Pay with cash用现金付款
According to a study by researchers at Cornell and Binghamton Universities, your credit card could be making you fat. While it has been known for a while that we are more likely to splash the cash when we are paying by card than by coins, the study results found that paying with plastic also has disastrous results for your waistline, as people are more likely to buy junk food and “vice” products – which tend to be impulse purchases – when paying by card. To keep off the pounds and save yourself some money, draw out enough cash for the day and then leave your cards at home。来自康奈尔和宾厄姆顿大学的研究表示,你的信用卡会使你变胖哦!大家都知道,当我们付款时,更倾向于银行卡而不是现金,但是研究表明,这对你腰上的肥肉增长有灾难性的诱发作用。因为人们在用信用卡时,更易因冲动买一些垃圾食品。为节约消费,避免体重上升,把你的卡放家里,再去取点现金做准备吧!
4. Sniff vanilla闻闻花草香
Sugar cravings ruining your diet? Then lighting a vanilla
candle or spritzing on some vanilla-scented perfume could help to keep you slim. A study at St George’s hospital, south London, found that putting vanilla-scented patches on the back of participants’ hands significantly reduced their appetite for sweet foods and drinks. It is believed that this is because the smell of vanilla can help to suppress sweet cravings。嘴馋想吃糖?点一支香草味蜡烛或喷点花草香水可保持你的苗条身材。伦敦南部的圣乔治医院的一项研究中,在研究对象的手后背上放几块香草片能有效地缓解他们想吃甜食和饮料的馋瘾。据信这是因为香草的味道可以促进抑制想吃甜食的念头。
5. Never eat in your pyjamas不要穿着睡衣吃东西
While eating in your pyjamas will not necessarily make you fat (although late-night snacking can certainly be a diet-killer for many of us), wearing loose clothing such as baggy lounge pants and pyjamas can lead you to snack more. This is because baggy clothes give you the illusion of being slimmer and make you think less about your figure. 也不是说穿着睡衣吃东西就一定能使你肥胖(即使夜宵对于很多人来讲都是减肥杀手),而是说如哈笼裤、睡衣这类宽松的衣服会使你吃得更多。因为宽松的衣服给你一种“我很苗条”的错觉,致使你忽视自己真实身材。
While it is inadvisable to dress in uncomfortably restrictive clothes for your meals, wearing slightly more fitted clothes can help you to think more about your body and is also a better indicator of fat loss or gain than getting weighed on the scales。虽然我们不赞成吃东西时穿不舒适的紧身衣服,但穿着略显合身些会让你更加注意自己的身形,对减肥时刻保持警醒而不至于大幅度增重了。
6. Kit your kitchen out in blue将你的厨房装潢成蓝色
Blue is not only a perfect calming color for your bedroom walls, it is also an ideal kitchen color scheme for those trying to lose weight. It is believed that green and blue shades act as an appetite suppressant (while yellow and red stimulate the appetite) so opt for blue dishes, table cloths or walls in your dining area to help keep your hunger at bay。蓝色不仅是缓和心情的最佳卧室墙壁颜色,将厨房涂抹成蓝色也可以帮助减肥。蓝色和绿色调是食欲控制色(黄色和红色却是食欲激发色),选择蓝色餐具、桌布和粉刷厨房墙壁都能有效地抑制食欲。
7. Sign up to Facebook注册Facebook
If you haven’t yet got onboard with the Facebook phenomenon, research suggests that signing up to the site could help you to lose weight. With the constant lurking danger of being tagged in an unflattering
photo and our fat days being broadcast for all to see, social media sites have become a huge weight loss trigger for many of us。如果你在Facebook上还未有帐号,那就注册一个吧,研究表明社交网络也能帮助减肥。Facebook上存在这样的潜在危险:你可能会被从一张直白显示身材的照片中标出来,所有网友都会看到你肥胖的样子,因此社交网络对于我们中很多人来讲是一种非常不错的减肥途径。
In fact, a study by Fitbit identified unflattering Facebook photos as the new number one weight loss trigger for Brits, overtaking preparing for the beach and not being able to squeeze into a favourite dress as the leading motivation for getting in shape。事实上,运动追踪者的一项研究显示,Facebook上这些照片英成为了英国人首选的减肥原因,海边度假或是无法将自己的身体挤进那件最中意的裙子则是减肥的最主要动力。